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You slowly see your barn and hopped off Sunny to just walk side by side the rest of the way.

You placed her back into her shed and filled in her bucket with hay before leaving the barn and walking home.

On the route home, you looked towards Jeon's house to see his mom outside on the lawn watering her plants.

You smiled and walked towards her and greeted her.

"Hello Mrs Jeon." She looked up and stared at you with a warm smile before placing her watering bucket down.

"Hello Haneul, did you just come back from riding?" She asked to which you nodded.

"I saw Jeon near the rice field with his truck too." You stated afterwards.

She had a smile on her face before answering, "Oh yes. He's helping your father out by sending our extra stash of hay towards his work. We didn't know what to do with those and your father agreed on taking them to sell."

Your face lit up with the information and you excitingly ask, "How long will he be gone?"

"About the whole day, because he needs to measure the amount of hay and then discuss with your father's seller on the price." Mrs Jeon answered thoughtfully while you smiled brightly.

"I see Mrs Jeon....... well, have a nice day." You dashed away towards your home leaving her dumbfounded.

You bursted into the house and searched for your dad who had just finished wearing his boots and was about to leave for work.

"Dad! Are you going to work now?" You almost yelled.

Your dad looked taken aback before he grabbed his hat and keys then jiggled it at your face.

"Yes I am." He answered.

"Can I come?" You asked hopefully.

He raised his eyebrows at you, "Why?"

"Just because, I want to see your work." You answered cheekily while he just furrowed his eyebrows at you unconvinced.

"Well, I don't see why not?" He answered unsure but you just jumped happily before dashing upstairs to change into a pair of skinny jeans and a cute off-shoulder long-sleeved crop top.

You dashed downstairs again and grabbed your cowgirl hat before following your dad out the door towards his truck.


As soon as your dad parked his truck in front of his factory where his work was at, you hopped off and smiled as you saw Jeon's truck also parked.

"Well, don't wander off and disturb anyone Haneul. Dad's going to do his work." Your dad told you while you nodded before he left to some part inside the factory.

You slowly walked towards Jeon's truck as you saw one of Dad's worker taking the hay from the back of his truck.

"Do you know where the guy who drove this truck is?" You asked the worker while he pointed towards the side of the factory to which you said 'thank you' before happily skipping towards the direction.

At the side of the factory there was a small adjoining house which seemed like an office while you slowly walked towards it and held the handle to open the door when it just opened itself revealing Jeon standing there looking at you shocked.

You immediately straightened up and let out your signature mega watt smile before saying, "Howdy Jeon!"

He just stood there staring at you and blanking out before a person behind him said something to which got his attention and he turned around to answer him.

You looked inside and saw it was a man in his late thirties which you assumed must be dad's seller.

The guy said goodbye towards Jeon to which he reciprocated and closed the door behind him before turning towards you again.

"So are you done with your work?" You asked knowingly while he just rubbed his forehead and sighed.

"What are you doing here?" He finally spoke and you melted by listening to his voice.

"Just hanging." You answered in a sing song voice while he just stared at you blankly and walked passed you towards his truck.

"Jeon wait up! Let's go back together!" You yelled enthusiastically while he stopped in front of his truck door and stared at you with a raised eyebrow.

"And why would I let you ride my truck with me?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Well you know what they say, save a horse, ride a cowgirl." You wiggled your eyebrows while he just coughed and stared at you wide eyed.

"That wasn't even relevant to the question!" He replied appalled.

You giggled, "I'll just go inform my dad I'm going back with you. Just a second."

You left without waiting for his reply and jogged inside the factory to search for your father, leaving Jeon with his mouth open wanting to object but you were gone.

Howdy, Jeon? (A BTS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now