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You had just bought a carton of milk and a cheese burger before you felt your phone vibrate in your pants' pocket.

After placing your wallet back into your tote bag, you dug your phone out to see a message from Jihyun.

Jihyun~ :
Haneul~ we're right outside.
Seen 12:00PM

Jihyun~ :
The table on the grass field.
Seen 12:00PM

You stared at the messages before looking up and out through the huge glass windows. You spotted Jihyun enthusiastically waving at you which made you smile before walking out the doors and towards the table.

You smiled at her then at Taehyung who was right beside her, before everyone else who had warm smiles on their faces.

Surprisingly, Jeon also had a smile on his face when you met his eyes but you just flashed each of them a short and small smile back before sitting down and avoiding eye contact.

"So Haneul~ please tell me you are free today. Maybe after class. Even right now." Jihyun asked while you were peeling the wrapper from the burger.

Your eyebrows scrunched while staring at her, completely confused to why she's acting up all of a sudden.

"What's up with you? You know I have class till 3PM." You stated nonchalantly before taking a bite from your cheeseburger while she just exasperated and started thinking.

You were still confused but didn't comment on it when suddenly someone walked up towards the table you were sitting at and you stared at the familiar face.

"Oh? Jeongoh?" You questioned when she suddenly approached you guys.

She had on her friendly smile while you smiled back in return.

She is a very friendly and cheerful person from your contemporary dance class, as she befriended you immediately on the first day.

You were very excited to have someone in class that you could talk to, but also sad that you only have one in the contemporary dance class, none in the others.

"I just had a talk with our teacher and we won't be having class later on. Something about her having to deal with a problem back home. We're done for the day Haneul. You can go home or do whatever you want. While I go and inform some other of the students." She informed and you made an 'o' with your mouth before you thanked her for informing you.

She replied that it was no problem before you waved at her as she walked away to find more students to inform the news to.

"So! You're free now!" Jihyun suddenly exclaimed which had you flinching so suddenly, halfway through biting your cheeseburger.

You stared at her appalled as you bit down and nodded while chewing your food.

She started being excited before grabbing her phone and texting someone vigorously while you feared that her phone would crack due to it.

After a few minutes, she placed her phone down before looking up and staring at you with a huge mega watt smile on her face while you cautiously stared at her, with the carton of milk in your mouth.

"I finally got the slot of a photography student, the best one I tell you, and its today! You are going to model for me today!"

She said excitingly while you choked on the milk you were drinking before difficultly swallowing the drink and beating your chest to relieve yourself from the choking.

"Say what?! Now?! I didn't even prepare!" You exclaimed, definitely shooked, because she didn't inform you even a week earlier or a day earlier.

"Yes yes! I know it's sudden but I have been chasing this photography student for quite a while because she takes THE BEST photos to my liking and she is finally free for me, which is today." She explained while you still, just stared at her appalled.

"But but—" You were going to complain when she interrupted you.

"Pretty pretty please Haneul! I mean you're also free anyways, you don't have class anymore for today and it's still early in the day. Makeup just takes 15 minutes for me to apply on you and the clothes have been ready to be worn and modeled since a week ago. The venue has also been set, everything is set, you just need to be there and listen to what we tell you to do."

She continued to persuade you, this time rubbing her hands together in plea and her lips pouting, together with her 'puppy dog eyes' attempt.

You just sighed, both physically and mentally, before giving in and nodding to her request while she cheered and made a fist bump to the air.

You just chuckled while staring at her before shaking your head and continuing to drink from the carton of milk.

She then went on to explain that the clothes were back at her dorm and that we should head back at 12:30PM for you to shower to refresh and for her to re-apply makeup on you, in the style that she wants.

Then we would head for the venue, which she said was the studio that the photography student would book for the shoot.

She just wanted a plain white background studio where the theme would just be about a couple and the clothes, representing love yourself and love myself.

You just nodded along to the idea, frankly not understanding a thing one bit, when she scrolled through some photos on Pinterest to give you an example of the type of emotions she wants you to give off during the photoshoot.

She said that every photo must tell a story and the model's job is to have the facial expression to express the Fashion Designer's art and feelings of the clothes and design of the shoot.

She turned her phone around and you were a bit taken aback to see how intimidating and daring the pictures were.

The pictures were of a female and male model acting so chic but also bold with one another and only then, did you realized, that Jihyun's theme is a couple shoot.

"Wait, who's going to be modeling with me then?" You asked before she just looked at you confused before turning to her left while your breath hitched.

Oh my god.

I totally forgot about that.

"Who else? You were there when I asked him. You're free now, right Jungkook?" She spoke out and asked him while he nodded.

Jeon.... I'm modeling this with Jeon.

You looked up and met his eyes which were already staring at yours with a soft emotion displaying in them.

You gulped before turning away, back towards Jihyun's phones, staring at the type of poses she wants me to do with Jeon.

Your heart was beating hard against your chest as you suddenly felt nervous for the shoot.

This is going to be awkward for sure.

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