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His body was warm and his smell was comforting. You didn't want to let go, you want to stay here forever.

You have been in this position for quite a long time, your panic attack have already passed long ago but you were just too comfortable in his embrace.

He has a girlfriend.

Your eyes shut tighter as your hands which were gripping his shirt tightly started to loosen up and your head that was leaning on his shoulder lifted up.

You got off his lap, putting some space between the both of you, no matter how much your body craved for him.

He slowly let you go as you plopped yourself down slowly on the floor in front of him, leaning against the wooden box you were just sitting on.

You saw the disappointment in his eyes when you stared at him for a brief moment before looking away and hugging your knees to yourself.

The event just now still frightened and shook you a bit, even though your panic attack was gone, you still couldn't shake the feeling of what would have happened if Jeon wasn't here to save you.

You saw Jeon shifting and turned your eyes towards him to see that he was taking out his phone from his pocket before placing it to his ear.

"Hyung? Hyung can you hear me?" He spoke out while you stared at him with your chin placed on your knees.

"Hyung I'm stuck in the instrument storage room with her. Hyung!" You stared at Jeon when he removed the phone from his ears before staring at it.

Then he cursed before saying, "Damn it! No signal!"

You frowned a bit, knowing that we're both going to be stuck in here for the whole night, until someone comes to open this tomorrow.

"I guess we're going to be stuck here for the whole night." He said sadly, before switching on the flashlight from his phone to illuminate more light to the room.

You just sighed and nodded before placing your head sideways on your knees and blinking your eyes closed as you were exhausted.

"Are you feeling okay?" His tone was filled with worry but you just nodded, still facing sideways.

"Just a little shaken up by tonight's event." You replied truthfully, not turning to grasp his reaction.

It was silent, both of you not saying a word and the only sound was from your breathing.

"Do you remember the time you fell off your horse Sunny?" He said suddenly which made you scrunch your eyebrows before looking up at him.

"What?" You asked softly while he had a fond smile on his face.

"Five years ago, when we first met. It must have been the day you first got Sunny too, because you fell off her as soon as you got on." He started speaking animately as if he was reminiscing about that exact moment right now.

You just stared at him with a raised eyebrow, not understanding why he suddenly brought that up.

"But you quickly got her trust though, maybe a year after? The door to your horse barn was open at that time when I peeked in to see you smiling while rubbing her neck as she was eating hay."

He continued speaking but you were surprised thinking how you didn't know about that.

Jeon must have saw the surprised look on your face while he smiled and chuckled.

Howdy, Jeon? (A BTS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now