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You stared at Haneul who slowly stood up and entered the house, your eyes trailing her small form.

You noticed that she looked dejected and sad, and you even peaked in on some tears in her eyes, which she subtly tried to blink away.

Why was she tearing up?

And the way she suddenly zoned out for a whole minute, and her hands unknowingly came up to clutch the neckline of her shirt.

No one notices at first but you've been just staring at her, quite concerned because she looked genuinely depressed.

You wanted to ask her what's wrong and turn her frown upside down. Because seeing her this way makes your heart clenched weirdly that you don't know why you're feeling this over-protective of her.

You decided to go check up on her and told the rest that you're going to grab something from the kitchen and immediately went inside the house.

You walked towards the corridor and towards the door which is the toilet and stopped in front of it.

You heard no shuffling sound or water being used. It was silent.

You were a bit worried thinking if something happened to her inside and as you were about to turn the doorknob, the door opened itself revealing her who flinched seeing you and widening her eyes.

"O-oh, Jimin-ssi, did you want to use the toilet? I'm sorry I took so long." She spoke in a rush while you didn't comprehend what she said but just stared at her slightly red puffy eyes.

Has she been crying?

"Haneul-ssi..." You were about to ask when suddenly, something around her neck caught your attention.

The sparkling diamond and the structure of how the words were made couldn't be mistaken.

He had asked you specifically when you guys were alone, to choose the designs from his sketches for his special girl from Busan.

The rest of us and Jihyun even followed him towards the shop to have it custom made and we even saw it when he finally received it.

All of us had told him that she was going to love it before he went back to Busan for her birthday to finally give it to her.

Then when he came back, he brought Jo Yuri, introducing her as his girlfriend so we thought it was her.

Even though we didn't see the necklace around her neck, Jihyun commented saying that maybe she wanted to keep it safe because it was so precious.

You didn't comment on it, neither did the rest because we don't know how girl's minds think.

But now why....?

Why was Haneul wearing it?

She must have noticed that I was staring at something intensely that she looked down towards it and her eyes widened again.

She quickly grabbed it and placed it back underneath her shirt and stared at me worried.

"Jimin-ssi, it's a.... I umm...." She started speaking but she couldn't seem to comprehend words to explain.

U-um.... I had a boyfriend for 2 years.... but then found out he now has someone else.

Don't tell me....

"Was the boyfriend you told us about during our first dinner, Jungkook?" You stated slowly, staring at her intently while she avoided eye contact and looked away.

Then she slowly nodded as she grabbed her arm with her other hand across her stomach, having a small frown on her face.

It's okay. I can wait for him. This must just be his journey of finding himself. I know what we had was special. I promised him I would wait for him after he left to Seoul for his studies, and I'm keeping that promise, until the end.

It repeated in your mind as you stared at her, who was biting her lips, as tears streamed down her face and your chest tightened seeing her like that.

"Why? Why are you suffering like this? Why didn't you confront him?" You asked painfully, from seeing her feeling sad and from finding out that the guy she loves so much is your very close dongsaeng, that you adore so much.

"What's the point to it? He got a new girlfriend, she's also from Busan. I don't want to know what he might say if I had confronted him." She spoke so softly and sounding disheartened.

You frowned upon seeing how broken she looks right now and you closed the distance between the both of you and embraced her in a hug.

"I wish I could take the pain away and make you feel better. It must hurt so bad seeing someone you love with someone else." You spoke out calmly while rubbing her head as she sobbed into your chest.

How long has she been keeping it in?

You were comforting her as she continued crying while you wondered towards Jungkook.

Two years of talking about his special girl back in Busan. Speaking so fondly and dearly of her, we all knew, our youngest is deeply in love with her.

To even make a necklace with his name on it, designed and custom made with diamonds, we were for sure correct that she will be his one and only.

We've been wanting to meet her and when he finally brought her we were all so ecstatic to see the one who he talks about often and had stolen his heart.

But little did we know, the true person was someone else. The one who's bawling her eyes out in your arms right now.

We've been with Jungkook through thick and thin. The 7 of us clicked very well and we became close like a family in a short time.

So you know for sure, Jungkook will never do something like this. He would never betray someone or break a promise.

It's either Haneul is mistaken and lying or something we don't know is going on with Jungkook.

But even knowing Haneul for a short time, you can tell that she's being genuine and it's the truth.

So there was this question in your head.

Why Jungkook?

Why are you doing this?

Howdy, Jeon? (A BTS Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें