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"What do you mean?" You asked him quite confused while he just responded by smiling warmly.

"You like my little brother don't you?" He said after a while and your eyes widened.

Seriously, am I that obvious?

You opened and closed your mouth, not sure what to say to that.

He just chuckled while seeing your flustered form before waving his hands in a dismissive matter.

"Don't be shocked. I just happen to have such good instincts. Plus I have a girlfriend too, so you don't need to feel guilty." He stated and that made your eyes widened more and your mouth to drop open.

"What?" You squeaked, still confused by the situation while he just chuckled.

"The main reason why I asked you out was to see if Jungkook would get jealous."

After he said that your eyes almost popped out of your sockets from widening it too much.

"But why? I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me back." You said with a hint of sadness.

"That's what YOU think pretty little lady. Because the whole time after he came back from the morning ride, he has been bugging me about why I asked you out and where I'm taking you and how long it will be." He said with a hint of humor while your heart fluttered.

Jungkook was jealous?

You still didn't say anything and was trying to wrap your mind around what he just said.

"You are really a fascinating little lady. Being very obvious towards Jungkook about your feelings. That's a charm of yours, being bold." He spoke with admiration while you just sheepishly smiled.

"Well, not fascinating enough to woo him I guess." You said with sigh while he just shook his head.

"Just keep being yourself and doing what you're doing. You'll woo him soon enough, I can see it." He answered finally which made you smile brightly and nodded determined.

At that timing, the waitress came to serve us our orders and drinks and only then did you noticed how hungry you really were after having a sniff of your food.

You placed the napkin on your lap before you picked up your knife and fork and dug into the food.


You were now back on the truck, heading home with Junghyun while you had your arms crossed with a small pout on your lips.

Junghyun briefly stared at you before looking back at the road.

"Come on little lady, you're not going to get mad at me forever right?" He said while you just huffed.

"What kind of gentleman would I be if I let you pay on your first date?" He finally asked while you just sighed thinking he has a point.

"It wasn't really a date though." You muttered while he just chuckled.

"Might as well have been. It was fun having time to spend with a fun person like you little lady." He complimented while you tried not to smile as you were still a bit mad at him.

"You know you can't stay mad forever." He said which had you finally giving up on sulking and just lightly punching his arm.

He laughed and you also started laughing alongside with him.

It may not have been a date but it was still fun.


When the truck finally stopped in front of your house, you hopped off, Junghyun still being a gentleman, opening your door for you.

You just chuckled and shook your head before he bid you goodbye while ruffling your hair to which you pouted and swatted his hands away.

He chuckled and gave you a hug to which caught you off-guard but it felt like a brotherly hug so you wrapped your arms around him too.

He pulled away and winked before he rounded his truck again and entered it and drove away while you stared at the truck and waved.

As it disappeared out of view, you turned around and yelped when you saw Jungkook standing right behind you staring at you, seething.

You gulped as you saw that this was the first time he ever looked pissed off. Even your lame dirty jokes had never even had him close to being pissed, only frustrated.

So you just stared at the boy looking at you as if he would want to just tie you up and punish you.

Howdy, Jeon? (A BTS Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें