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One week later

You walked along the halls, trying to bypass everyone, avoiding getting hit by anyone as they were all rushing past.

Everyone from the music building was buzzing around, preparing for tonight's show at 6PM, even though it was only 12PM.

You just wanted to get some food because you had to skip breakfast due to Jeon not waking you up when he left early today.

Jeon has been staying at your dorm room like it's his own and you don't really mind, it's just you were worried on what the kind lady at the lobby would think.

But Jeon reassured you that it was fine, and that he knows that lady, which you were a bit skeptical about, but decided to just shrug it aside. You don't really care much as long as you don't get into trouble.

Since today is the day of the show that Jeon is hosting, he left as early as 6:00AM and you had told him specifically the night before, to wake you up when he leaves.

But you woke up from your own slumber at 8:45AM, as you didn't set an alarm, relying on Jeon to wake you up, but he had failed you.

You texted him to why he didn't wake you up, while you were rushing to class after taking a quick shower, not even bothering about a nice outfit and makeup.

He just replied with a text saying that you looked too peaceful sleeping, that he didn't want to wake you up. With him saying that, it was hard to be mad at him.

Right now, you ordered a plate of fried rice with egg white omelette and bacon, together with a glass of orange juice.

You took the tray and walked to the usual table, where Jihyun and the guys were already sitting at, making you always wonder how they walk so fast after each of their classes.

This time, Jeon wasn't joining lunch as he has to check up on preparations being done at the school auditorium.

You were a bit worried on whether if he had his lunch or he's skipping it.

You made some small talk with the guys and also Jihyun but mostly you were just devouring your breakfast plus lunch and listened to them talk.

Jihyun started talking about how she got their outfits ready and made from the Fashion Design students, since the Year 3 Music Department students are all collaborating with any student from the Fashion Department.

Since Jihyun is someone they know, and also Taehyung's girlfriend, of course they would choose her for the collaboration. She also says it would be a good opportunity for her portfolio when applying jobs in the future.

You finished up your food and drank your juice before wiping your mouth with a tissue and bidding them goodbye as you wanted to grab some lunch for Jeon.

You smiled and waved at them before heading back into the cafeteria, placing the tray at the disposal before going to buy a ham and cheese sandwich with a carton of banana milk that he loves so much.

You paid and went out of the cafeteria and walked towards the huge school auditorium before entering it and gaping at how huge it was.

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