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You arrived at the cafe after walking for a good 10 minutes which you didn't mind because you enjoyed the light breeze and calmness while listening to your songs from your phone.

You saw Jeonghan sitting at the furthest corner beside the window alone being focused on the papers sprawled out on the table.

You walked towards him and stood near his table when he glanced up seeing you and smiled.

"Oh you've arrived Haneul-ssi. Please take a seat." He gestured towards the empty seat in front of him and you said 'okay' before sitting down and placing your tote bag on your lap.

You stared at the papers on the table which he was now reorganizing neatly so that it doesn't look messy on the table.

The papers you noticed were all song lyrics and you were intrigued.

The one that caught your eye was a song named "Purple Rose" and you stretched your hand from under the table to grab it.

Then you looked up at Jeonghan before asking, "If you don't mind, may I take a look?" While gesturing towards the paper you were holding.

He nodded with a smile to which you smiled back because it was hard not to, seeing that his smile was really beautiful and mesmerizing.

You then turned your attention to the paper in your hand and started reading the lyrics on it.

I call for you
I call for you, so that no one can hear
For you, who is drunk off this purple light

A deeper feeling
Before this night is over
I want to find you

You mouthed an 'o' while reading it and turned towards Jeonghan who was staring at your reaction laughing.

"You seemed to be impressed Haneul-ssi." He said while you still mouthed an 'o' and nodded.

"I get really fascinated whenever I see someone make something themselves, songs, raps or dance whatever. It really is impressive." You commented and smiled.

"So my work is impressive?" He asked with one eyebrow raised and you scoffed, "Do I even need to say?" You joked.

He laughed at you to which you also joined and laughed. Something about him makes it very enjoyable and less awkward for you to talk to.


"Thank you for giving me time, to talk you through about my project Haneul-ssi." Jeonghan spoke while you both exited the cafe after spending a whole of 2 hours together in there.

You just shook your head with a smile, "It's okay. It was very fun and I'm looking forward to working on it with you. And please, no need to be formal with me." You said genuinely to which he smiled.

"Alright, I will talk to you casually, Haneul-ah." He said and you smiled brightly and nodded.

"So I will meet you again tomorrow to meet up with your dance major friend who will teach me the choreography?" You asked to make sure.

"Yes yes, at Practice Room 17, 3PM. See you then?" He replied to which you nodded.

"Okay! See you tomorrow Jeonghan Sunbae." You bid goodbye as he did too before you guys went your separate ways, him to his accommodation while you walked back to the campus towards your dorm building.


When you arrived at the dorm building, you took the elevator towards the 10th floor and then exited it before dragging yourself towards your dorm room.

You stood in front of your door, digging your keys out from inside your bag before going to insert it into the key hole when suddenly the door behind you opened and from there came a yell saying, "HANEUL YOU'RE BACK!"

You flinched and immediately dropped the keys from your hands and placed a hand on your chest simultaneously turning around to stare at Jihyun wide eyes.

"Song Jihyun! You scared me." You spoke still in shock while bending down and picking up your keys.

"Hehe, sorry. But I've been waiting for you for so long. So when I heard someone shuffling outside I decided to check if it was you and it was!" She said so enthusiastically while you chuckled at her vibrant energy.

"I'm here now. Why were you waiting for me?" You asked as she just gestured for you to enter her room while you raised your eyebrows but nonetheless complied and entered.

Her room was filled to the brim with a lot of sketches and strips of cloth, also A3 papers were stuck to the walls with drawings on them and a lot of pencils and colored pencils littered the floors on the sides.

So this is what a Fashion Art Direction student's room looks like.

"Don't mind the mess. I just haven't had the time to clean it and I probably would never clean it because I already know how my stuffs are organized despite this mess." She explained before walking towards her bed where her laptop was on.

I placed my bag near the entrance of her dorm room before taking off my shoes and walking towards her and accompanied her to sit on her bed.

"I want you to take a look at these designs Haneul and tell me what you think." She stated before turning her laptop to face me and I stared at it and saw some pretty intriguing sketches of clothes for both men and women.

You puckered your lips while staring at them and nodded slowly as you move from sketch to sketch.

"They look pretty neat, it's nice. Are you going to have them produced?" You asked to which she pursed her lips before turning the laptop to face her again.

"Well I'm a fashion art direction student so I need to ask the fashion design student to make them and yes I need to have them produced and modeled to take pictures of it, so that I can finish my project." She said mindfully and suddenly looked at you and stared at you up and down before smiling weirdly.

You stared at her weirded out to why she was smiling like that.

"What?" You asked.

"You are going to model this for me." She stated out of the blue while your eyes widened.


Howdy, Jeon? (A BTS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now