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"Alright everything done! The makeup is perfect! Time to head to the studio." Jihyun said while you opened your eyes.

You stared at yourself in the mirror and was really impressed by her makeup skills and also complimenting her for it.

She just winked at you as a reply before grabbing a hell lot of bags from the floor beside the bed and you helped carried some of them together with your sling bag before leaving your dorm room with her.

You locked the door and walked together with her towards the elevator and asked her why there were so many clothes, but she explained that there were only 3 sets of clothes.

You stared at her confused while she continued on explaining.

"It's just the fabric is made fluffy and thick so it fills up the whole bag, which is why there are a lot of bags." You just mindlessly nodded when the doors slid open and you saw Jeon sitting at the lobby.

He had on a casual shirt with his black sweatpants and yet he looks so handsome without even trying so hard.

He had gotten tattoos a week ago and now it was on full display as his shirt was short sleeves. You have usually only seen the ones on his hand and not his arm.

"Wow Jihyun, did you rob the whole Fashion Design department?" He commented as soon as the both of you stood in front of him.

Jihyun just glared at hime before shoving the bags she was holding towards him and asking him to carry them which made you chuckle.

"Haneul give him your bags too. He needs to be a gentleman at times like this." Jihyun stated while you just laughed and shook your head in denial.

"It's alright. They're not that heavy. I can manage." You rejected which had her just pursing her lips and shrugging before replying, "Suit yourself then."

Then she started walked towards the exit of our dorm building, while you finally looked up at Jeon who was staring at you with a gentle smile.

"Are you sure it's okay Haneul-ah? I can carry them for you." He asked with a worried tone while you just smiled softly back.

"It's really okay. Let's go then." Your reply was short and to the point because you know how you are when you're with Jeon.

You would either pounce on him because of your love for him or you would break down because of the pain you're enduring.


"Janet! Thank you again for giving time for a photoshoot for me." Jihyun greeted a girl as soon as we arrived.

She was very pretty with a body any girl would kill for and she has the studio set up with a desk with laptops and some photoshoot lights.

A camera was around her neck and she smiled before giving Jihyun a hug and soon she turned to us smiling.

You smiled back, very much intimidated by how gorgeous she is as she approached you and Jeon while she extended her hand for a greeting.

You accepted it and so did Jeon before she asked Jeon to take the bags, from you too, and set them aside near the corner of the room beside some coverup which you guess is where we would be changing our outfits.

She walked with Jeon towards the place while you stared at them, as Jihyun stood beside you.

"She's very pretty." You commented and you saw Jihyun nodded from the side of your eyes.

She knows there's a double meaning behind what you said as you continued staring at Janet talking to Jeon and him smiling to it.

You decided to look away because you have no right to be jealous and he also has a girlfriend and you're also dating Jeonghan.

"Yes! She is pretty, but it's a shame. No guy can ever court her." She stated suddenly which had you turning to her intrigued.

Then Jihyun turned to you with a smile.

"She's lesbian." Jihyun replied and that had you widening your eyes in shock before you stared at Janet who was now approaching you.

She stood right in front of you and stopped before biting her lips and staring at you from top to bottom while you fidget a bit.

"Say Haneul, are you single?" She asked you suddenly and you just widened your eyes before turning towards Jihyun who was hiding her smile behind her hand.

"U-uh... well, y-yes?" You replied unsure of how to put your current relationship status.

She clicked her tongue with a smirk on her face while you felt shivers behind your back.

"Awesome, I'm sure Jihyun has told you about my gender preference." She said nonchalantly while you just nodded slowly.

"You're a cute little one and I'm quite interested. So I was thinking if you'd like to grab a meal—"

Before she could finish, you felt hands around your waist and someone pulling you closer which made you stare up at Jeon, surprised.

He had a smile on his face while staring at Janet, "Sorry there Janet, this one is taken." He said without a beat while your eyes widened more as you turned back towards Janet.

She had on a smirk before shifting on her feet and turning towards Jeon.

"She just said she's single." Janet commented while Jeon chuckled.

"She is, but well she's going to be taken by me soon. Since we've been going out." He stated proudly while you were trying to understand what is happening.

"Bummer then. She's looks like a worthy catch." Janet replied before smiling at you and then at Jeon.

"Yes, yes she is." Jeon agreed which had you staring at him with an emotion you cannot decipher.

Janet gave a knowing glance to Jeon before walking away with Jihyun, as they discussed the theme for the photoshoot.

As the both of them were occupied, you grabbed Jeon's arm around your waist before removing it.

He stared at you confused a bit while you just smiled before saying, "Thanks for whatever it was just now. But remember that you have a girlfriend and I am dating Jeonghan."

His eyes showed that he was hurt by what you said before he replied, "But you know I still love—"

But before he could finish you interrupted again.

"We need to get changed for the photoshoot." You said in a rush before walking towards the bags, and taking out the clothes from any bag before going behind the cover up.

You clutched the clothes closer to your body while you took deep breaths to calm your beating heart.

You're dating Jeonghan, Haneul-ah.

And he's dating Yuri.

You can't hurt the both of them.

They have done nothing wrong to the both of you.

You need to sacrifice your feelings Haneul-ah.

For everyone's sake.

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[A/N: I can't put a number to it but the book is reaching its climax and ending soon.]

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