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You were coped up in your dorm room bawling your eyes out, you didn't even attend your other two classes for the day.

At this point you couldn't even care less because the main reason you technically applied to this university was so that you can be close to Jeon.

But turns out he has already found someone else and discarded you like everything that you both had meant nothing to him.

You wrapped yourself in your blanket, laying on your bed, on your side, clutching the necklace that was around your neck.

You have been in this position for hours now and it was starting to tire you out so you decided to take a shower.

You took your towel and entered your adjoining bathroom and just stared at yourself in the mirror seeing that your eyes were puffy from all the crying.

Your hair was a mess too and you sighed before tying it up into a bun before stripping off your clothes from this morning, which you still haven't changed out of.

You entered the shower and just let the warm water beat down on your body as you stared up and remembered how that girl Yuri had her arms wrapped snuggly around Jeon's arm.

You had never wrapped your arms around his because mostly he always held your hand and intertwined your fingers with his.

It was either that or he would just put his arm around your shoulder or waist and you would just leaned onto him while walking.

The tears started dropping down more vigorously and you bend your head down letting them fall carefree since your heart hurts so much that you believe this was the only way to soothe it.


You finished applying your skin care routine but you just sighed at your eyes still being puffy and red from crying and brushed your hair lightly as it was a mess from when you had it in a bun.

Then suddenly you heard a knock on your door and your eyebrows scrunched thinking who it might be.

You placed your hair brush down before walking towards the door and opening it to reveal Jihyun standing there with a smile on her face but it quickly disappeared seeing you.

"What's wrong Haneul-ah?" She asked concerned and that got you breaking again.

Even if you felt like you cried enough already, you feel sad and break down once again if someone was concerned about you.

The tears pooled in your eyes and dropped down one by one and you started crying again which had her taken aback before entering your room closing the door and engulfing you in a hug.

You hugged her back and placed your head on her shoulder crying more as you felt her softly patting your back.

You had been wanting some company and some support and when you saw Jihyun you just let go of your emotions once again.


You have now slowly calmed down and was sitting on your bed as Jihyun came and sat with you with a cup of hot chocolate in her hand.

She brought the hot chocolate mix from her room and boiled some hot water in your kitchen to make you a cup.

You took the cup from her when she offered you and thanked her softly as you felt all your energy draining bit by bit after all that crying.

She gave you a small heart warming smile and you smiled back weakly.

"Do you want to talk about it Hanuel-ah?" She asked gently and you took a gulp of the hot chocolate before placing it on the table beside your bed.

You didn't meet her eyes and stared down at your lap where your hands were laying.

"You don't have to Haneul.... I just thought it would make you feel better to let it out." She said reassuringly and you just nodded, still looking down.

"I had a boyfriend at this university. He was the main reason why I came here from Busan to study." You spoke after a while before looking up at her.

She was surprised as she didn't expect that before scrunching her brows at you.

"Wait.... had?" She commented to which you nodded.

"I met him today, and he didn't even acknowledge me as a girlfriend. Then I was met with a girl who claims to be his girlfriend to which he didn't deny." Your voice cracked when you said that and Jihyun took your hands in hers and lightly caress it.

"He didn't even break up with me or told me anything about this. Up until a month ago on my birthday we were still in love, and he even gave me a necklace with his name on it." You said before hovering your hand over your shirt that has the necklace underneath.

Jihyun was speechless and you just sighed before shaking your head.

"I guess I meant nothing to him at all. What we had meant nothing to him." You stated sadly while taking out the necklace from under your shirt and caressing it.

Jihyun saw it and her eyes widened, "Jungkook?! As in Jeon Jungkook, Taehyung's friend?!"

You stared at her confused before nodding.

"You know him personally?" You asked to which she started blinking then opening and closing her mouth still shocked.

"YOU'RE the one from Busan that he always talks about and YOU have the necklace he bought a month ago with his name on it. It was YOU? Not Yuri?"

She emphasized the word 'you' a lot but you stared at her not understanding what she was trying to point out.

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