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You and Jeon were quiet for a few minutes but to you it felt like hours as you were waiting for him to reply.

Your hands were fiddling on your lap as the minutes passed and you started feeling even more and more nervous and you started to regret ruining the mood of this date with your stupid blabbering.

"Y-you know what? Just forget it, forget I said that, it was just me blabbering some useless—" You were rambling now avoiding eye contact until suddenly you stopped when he held your hand.

You stared at his hand that grabbed your fiddling one before pulling it towards his lap and intertwining your fingers with his.

"I'm sorry, that you have been feeling that way." He finally spoke after caressing your hand and looking up to stare at you.

You couldn't take your eyes off him and you gulped seeing the intensity of emotions swirling in his eyes.

Something you have never seen Jeon express before, in the 3 years you have interacted with him.

"And no, you're never a joke to me Haneul-ah. I was just never sure about my feelings towards you." He started speaking again and you shut your mouth and just listened to every word he says.

"Now that I think of it, I guessed I already had feelings for you since the day I met you too. The day you fell off your horse Sunny, in front of your barn while I was on my horse Midnight, staring at you."

Your eyes widened slightly and you weren't able to comprehend whether you're shock by the fact that he just admitted his feelings or that he still remembers the day he first met you.

He chuckled at your expression before continuing, "Yea, the girl who took the hit of the pain like a man rather than crying and yelling for her mother. It was then that got me so interested about you. I'd wanted to know you more but I was immature, still am, that I didn't know how to react to when you started being all close and pouring out your feelings to me."

He patted your hand softly while you just listened to him, immersed in what he was saying to you.

"I didn't know what I felt, but I did know I was interested in everything about you. But with you showing your interest in me, it made me feel a bit unsure of what to do, so I just thought of ignoring your blunt confessions and acting cold towards you, until I figure out my feelings for you were genuine. Trust me, it was hard when I saw those other cowboys hitting on you and looking at you. I didn't do anything but just watched and kept the anger to myself because you deserve the whole me, my whole feelings completely."

He spoke with such sincerity and truth that you couldn't help but feel the butterflies in your stomach fly around and your heart to flutter a lot.

"This week has me breaking my cold exterior though because I keep giving into you and I guess my brother asking you out must have been a hit in the face by my feelings. Because that was when I figured out that you being with someone else other than me was frightening. It scared me that you'd be swept away from me the moment I finally figured out what I felt for you." He said so remorsefully which had you slightly tearing up at the worried tone to his voice.

"And what do you feel for me Jeon?" You asked softly, anticipating an answer that you've been waiting to hear for 3 years.

"I feel that you are the one for me Lee Haneul. The one whom I'd share my horse ride with, these lovely picnic dates with, a walk on a field of grass hand in hand with. My feelings are genuine and I like you too Lee Hanuel. I'm sorry for having to keep you waiting this long."

The tears in your eyes fell down your cheeks as you had a huge mega watt smile on your face. You couldn't help but to sit up and practically prance onto him and give him a tight hug while crying and laughing at the same time.

You felt his arms wrapped around your waist tightly and him snuggling his face in your hair, giving you a small kiss on the side of your head.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to hear that Jeon." You were a blubbering mess but you still managed to word those out.

"I like you Jeon, so so much." You said with so much emotions into your words that you felt Jeon's arm around your waist tigthened.

"I know Haneul, and those words are mine."

"You are mine."

Howdy, Jeon? (A BTS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now