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"It was nice spending some time to get to know you Mark." You smiled towards him.

He returned the smile as the both of you exited the restaurant.

"Likewise Haneul." He replied and the both of you walked towards the neighborhood that Mark lives in.

You got a text from Jihyun earlier, sending you the address of the BBQ place you were supposed to meet her and the guys at.

Turns out Mark also lived in that neighborhood just a few houses away and gladly offered to walk you there.

You were now slowly walking with him before turning towards the peaceful neighborhood, not far from the university campus.

It was very peaceful and quiet as you stared at all the houses that were occupied.

Mark pointed at a house with the door painted a color rose quartz and serenity and told you it's where Jeonghan and his group of friends lived.

You mouthed an 'o' at the beautiful looking house which was quite big.

Then you continued walking front and saw a house with a white door and Mark stopped as he said this is the place of the address.

You smiled and thanked him, bidding him farewell as he waved back at you and walked front a few houses down until turning and entering into a house with a green door.

He spared you a glance one last time, flashing a smile before entering.

You then turned towards the house in front of you as you took in a deep breath and walked towards the door.

Then you pressed the doorbell as you heard the sound faintly echoing inside the house.

You checked your wrist watch and saw that it was already 6:30PM.

Soon, you heard the doorknob jiggling and then it opened to reveal a smiling face.

"Oh you've arrived just in time Haneul-ssi. Come on in, we were just about to start prepping outside for the BBQ." Hoseok said with a happy smile as you smiled back and slowly entered the house.

You then followed Hoseok towards the sliding doors in the living room, which leads to the backyard of the house.

There you saw everyone being busy as they tried to prepare for the BBQ that will take place soon.

You saw Yoongi setting up the grill while placing the charcoal and also started to heat it up. Then Jimin was on the side at a table where he was washing the utensils with water.

Namjoon came out from the house and walked past you after greeting you with a smile, carrying bags of meat in his hand.

Jin waved him over to the table that was set by Yoongi beside the grill for the meat to be placed, while Hoseok went to help Jimin with the utensils.

Then you stared at Jihyun who was at the table with Taehyung, which must be where we would be sitting and eating, as 9 chairs were placed around it.

She was mixing a dipping sauce I guess, while Taehyung just stood behind her, back hugging her and placing his head on her shoulder, smiling softly.

You smiled a bit seeing how cute they looked as Jihyun suddenly started laughing when Taehyung spoke something in her ears.

Only then you noticed that Jeon wasn't there and you wondered for a bit to where he might be.

Is he not coming because you are here?

You suddenly felt sad at your assumptions and frowned a bit before shaking out of your thoughts when you heard someone yell your name.

You turned towards the direction and saw Jimin waving enthusiastically with 4 sets of spoons in his hand which made you chuckle.

You waved back enthusiastically before walking towards the table where Jihyun is now sitting alone, finished making the sauce as Taehyung went to ask if the others need help.

You smiled and greeted her to which she happily gestured to the seat beside her.

You sat yourself down on the chair and decided to taste the sauce she made. You then lit up at its deliciousness and turned to her with a thumbs up.

"Well, I try my best." She said with a flip of her hair which had you bursting out laughing at her confidence.

"Do you think they need help?" You stated a bit guilty that you're just sitting there and not helping.

Jihyun just waved her hands dismissively before saying, "They like to grill themselves as they say they know the trick to a tasty barbecue."

She rolled her eyes as you just stared at her with a hint of laughter.

"Where's Jeon?" You asked mindlessly staring around and she just dipped her finger in the sauce she made before popping it into her mouth.

"He said he's going out to grab something. He'd be back in a few minutes." She answered nonchalantly to which you just nodded.

You felt a tingling feeling and turned towards Jihyun to ask where the toilet was. She told you to enter the house, turn left towards the corridor and it's the door at the furthest end.

You thanked her and left your tote bag on the chair you were sitting on before walking towards the said place and found it.

You relieved yourself and then washed your hands before checking yourself in the mirror and exiting the toilet.

You were about to walk away when a door to your right caught your attention. It has a golden plate on it which wrote "Golden Closet".

You scrunched your eyebrows before eyeing down the corridor to see if anyone's there before you turned the doorknob and slowly slide the door open.

Inside you saw a bed with black beddings, a table with a computer and keyboard and a door which must be the closet.

You walked inside slowly towards the table beside the bed which has books and papers scattered on it and you noticed they were song lyrics.

You saw the handwriting and noticed it was Jeon's before you picked up a paper and read the lyrics that was written.

Even if the desert becomes cracked
No matter who shakes this world
Don't let go of the hand you're holding
Please don't wake up from this dream

You felt so much emotions from reading the lyrics and tears started forming in your eyes without you noticing.

You felt it drop on the paper and that's when you realized and wiped it away. You thought you should leave before he comes back and placed the paper right where you found it before you exited his room after closing the door.

You wiped your face, making sure it didn't look like you cried before walking down the corridors again and towards the sliding door.

You exited it and slide it back behind you and turned around to go back to Jihyun when you stopped dead in your tracks staring at the person standing there in the middle.

"Oh? Haneul-ssi, you're here too. It's nice to see you again."

It was Jo Yuri.

She had her arm linked with Jeon's as she smiled warmly towards you and you spared a glance at Jeon who was staring at you with an emotionless face.

You averted your eyes away and just flashed a small smile toward Yuri, "Nice to see you too."

Your voice was soft as you walked towards Jihyun who was sitting there with a worried look on her face.

You just flashed her a small smile and sat down beside her, avoiding eye contact with Jeon and his girlfriend.

"I hope I'm not intruding you guys. Jungkookie invited me to the BBQ and came to pick me up." She said towards the rest to which they all just smiled and nodded.

He invited her.

I think Mark was wrong about his assumptions.

Howdy, Jeon? (A BTS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now