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Your phone vibrated in your hand while you were exiting the history of dance class and brought it up to check it.

Jeonghan~ :
Hey Angel~ you up for some bingsu?
Seen 3:02PM

You smiled while reading it and unknowingly nodded to the message while writing a reply.

You :
Sounds good!
Seen 3:03PM

Jeonghan~ :
Great! I'll be waiting by the building exit.
Seen 3:03PM

You :
Walking over now.
Seen 3:04PM

You tucked your phone back down and immediately made your way towards the exit, while on the way you saw Jeon leaning against the wall near the extracurricular blackboard with Yuri standing in front of him animately talking.

Your smile faltered a bit seeing her talking to him excitingly while holding his hand and Jeon smiling genuinely at her.

You immediately remembered the kiss you both shared at Jeonghan's party but as quickly as you thought of it, you shook it out.

You continued walking past them, not sparing them a glance when suddenly you heard someone calling you.

You paused in your step and turned around to face the person and saw that it was Jimin.

You greeted him with a smile and waited until he caught up to you. His eye smile was in tact as he brushed his hair back out from his eyes.

"Hey are you going somewhere? I was wondering if you want to grab dinner with me?" He asked while you just opened your mouth and gave a sheepish look.

He knew just by your facial expression that you were going to turn him down. His face dropped a little but he gave you a gentle smile showing it's alright.

"I'm sorry Jimin-ssi. Rain check maybe? Jeonghan asked me to eat bingsu with him now." You explained while gesturing your thumb backwards to where the exit of the building is.

He nodded understandably with his charming eye smile, reassuring it was okay and saying 'next time then'.

You nodded, agreeing to it definitely before waving him goodbye and turning around to continue making your way to where Jeonghan is.

You didn't know what came over you but you decided to spare a glance at Jeon and was surprised to see him staring at you, Yuri long gone from where she was standing.

His eyes held a lot of emotions, which you cannot decipher at all, but you did notice that all of them were sad.

Maybe he and Yuri had a fight just now.

You looked away, unable to bear the sadness in his eyes, caused by the person he truly loves and continue walking away.

When you got nearer to the exit, you finally spotted Jeonghan leaning against the wall with his one hand tucked inside his jean pocket and the other scrolling through his phone.

You smiled before approaching him and lightly tapped on his shoulder which had him lifting his head up and smiling at you.

"Let's go?" He asked to which you nodded before the both of you pushed the doors open and walked out.


"So you mean to tell me you put a grasshopper into his lunchbox to get even with him?" Jeonghan looked surprised while you hid your giggle behind your hand and nodded.

Howdy, Jeon? (A BTS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now