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You didn't expect the crowd of people that surrounded you the moment you entered the music building.

All of them were looking at you worriedly and asking if you were okay while you tried to push your way past, through all of them, smiling awkwardly and telling them that you were fine.

When you feel that you finally got through the crowd, another mob of them approached you, circling all around you which made you freeze in place while looking around them, trying to find a way out.

"Everyone stop crowding her and go to your class now!" You heard a loud voice boomed through the halls and everyone stopped before turning towards the voice.

You also looked at the direction and met the eyes of Mark who had a stoic face on.

"Didn't you guys hear me? I said NOW!" His tone made everyone flinch, including you before everyone who were circling you before, scurried away.

You were now left standing at the same spot and staring at the person who had just looked like a scary hall monitor but now with a smiling face.

You slowly walked towards him and stopped just a few meters away, his smile never breaking while your lips crinkled a bit, into a small smile.

"That was a new light. I certainly have never seen you yell at people to get to class." You joked but was also a bit curious.

He chuckled while placing both his hands into his pant pockets before shifting sideways and gesturing for you to walk with him.

You did so and now the both of you were walking down the halls, you glancing at everyone who seems to be staring at you and whispering things to each other.

"Why are they all so worked up? How did they even know what happened last night?" You asked genuinely confused, then turned towards Mark.

"Jungkook and Taehyung went to the principal's office today, reporting it. I guess someone overheard as there are some students who work as assistants to the office people. Gossips are easy to roam around in this university."

He explained, which had you pouting and just nodding to what he says before continuing to walk forwards.

"Jungkook called me last night. To inform me that the guy who attacked you was the same guy who was chasing you that night." He suddenly spoke again while you turned towards him to see him already staring at you with a worried glance.

You pursed your lips and nodded before turning away.

"I told my cousin who's a cop about it and I heard he was released due to someone bailing him out with money. They don't know who it was." He explained while you scrunched your eyebrows, getting deep in thoughts.

"Haneul-ah!" You snapped out of your thoughts and looked up to see Jeonghan standing towards the right before he marched over towards you and embraced you in a hug.

"I'm so glad to know you're okay and doing well. I swear, if I see that piece of garbage anywhere near you I swear I will kill him myself." You stared wide eyes at him because Jeonghan is usually a conserved person.

Seeing him acting all worked up and protective was surprising. He slowly pulled you away from the hug, still holding onto your arms while staring into your eyes intently.

You smiled a bit, deeply moved by how he cares for you before moving both your hands up and gripping his arms that were gripping yours.

"I'm really fine Jeonghan. Please stop worrying. I am here now, perfectly safe." You reassured him and only then did he let out a sigh before tenderly rubbing your arms.

"I am relieved. Next time, I will send you back after our dates. No more excuses!" He said determinedly while you didn't argue and just nodded.

He smiled at you before tipping his head towards Mark in greeting while Mark did the same. He placed his hand on the small of my back, only then making me notice the bunch of guys standing right where Jeonghan marched up from.

His friends were there together with two others, one standing beside Joshua while the other was standing between Mingyu and Seokmin.

Taehyung gave you his boxed like smile and Joshua also did too while you stretched your lips out into a smile too.

Then you looked at Jeon, who was staring into your eyes then later to Jeonghan's hand which was placed at the small of your back.

His eyes were burning with rage and jealousy while you squirmed a bit under his gaze before you looked at Jeonghan to gawk his reaction.

He seemed oblivious to Jeon's intense stare as he was talking with Seungcheol, who had walked up earlier and was now keeping him occupied from someone's hot glare.

"If looks could kill Haneul." You turned towards Mark who was staring at someone before turning to look at you.

"Jungkook looks like he is minutes away from marching straight towards you and removing you from Jeonghan's hand." He said softly while you just blushed a bit before turning to look at Jeon and surely enough, he looked ticked off.

You turned back towards Mark to lie that it wasn't the case when he beat you to it.

"I know what I can see Haneul, and clearly I can see it in your eyes too. You would prefer his arms instead of the ones on your back right now don't you?" He stated with no hesitation which had you taken aback a bit.

You turned towards Jeonghan, who was still in a deep conversation with Seungcheol, now Joshua accompanying the both of them, which you didn't notice when he walked up.

"It doesn't matter anymore. What we feel doesn't matter." You spoke out gently, trying not to let Jeonghan overhear while Mark just raised one of his eyebrows at you.

You didn't know whether you were trying to convince Mark or yourself with those words but everything Jeon has told you last night is still roaming around in your head.

Him confessing that he still loves you and that he was only with Jo Yuri for some reasons. The reasons that he refused to tell you.

"He has a girlfriend and I am now dating someone else. So it's better off setting our feelings aside." You were trying to convince yourself rather than Mark with these words while he looked like he wasn't buying it and neither was your heart.

"I don't know what went down between you two before, but I'll give you some advice." Mark said while turning his body to face you completely and staring into your eyes.

"Listen to your heart, rather than your brain. Because whatever the heart says is the truth." He said sternly which made you hear him loud and clear.

"Making decisions without your heart, will not only hurt you two, but will hurt others as well." When he said 'others', his eyes shifted towards Jeonghan.

Your breath hitched a bit before you spared a side glance towards Jeonghan who was smiling and talking to his two friends.

"Because you know for sure that you can't give him the heart he deserves."

You then turned back towards Mark looking at you squarely, knowing he's right before looking at Jeon who was still staring at you, this time softly and tenderly, with his eyes full of endearment.

Lastly you turned towards Jeonghan who now looked back towards you with a smile so pure and angelic you felt guilty.

Guilty knowing what Mark said was true.

You can never give him your full heart and love him the way he is slowly learning to love you.

Because it is already owned by someone else.

Someone who is so close yet so far away from you.

Howdy, Jeon? (A BTS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now