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"Howdy, Jeon?" You spoke timidly without the usual cheerfulness as you were quite afraid that he would explode suddenly.

He grumbled under his breath and took a huge breath in before he let it out with a disheartening sigh.

You looked anywhere but him, lightly rocking on your feet, quite unsure what to do at the moment before you just lightly took a step back.

His eyes shot open when he heard your light footstep, crunch against the ground and you immediately froze.

"Just where do you think you are going Lee Haneul?" He finally worded out with a hint of annoyance to his tone and you gulped again.

"U-uh..... home?" You squeaked out unsure while pointing your fingers to your house which is just a few steps away from where you're standing.

Jeon narrowed his eyes at you before looking you up and down, scanning you which made you self-conscious thinking if there was something wrong with your clothes.

You looked down at yourself, trying to see if anything is out of the ordinary when suddenly you felt your arm being dragged, and you being dragged along with it.

You looked up to see Jeon's rigid back in front of you, with his hand grabbing your arm tightly to which you were wincing a bit at because it is starting to hurt.

"W-where are we going?" You asked loud enough for him to hear but he just ignored you and continued dragging you somewhere.

You sighed but started wincing more when you couldn't handle his tight grip anymore.

"J-jeon, you're hurting me." You spoke out softly which caused him to stop abruptly and turn around to you and see you wincing while staring at the arm that he was still gripping.

His rigid face soften and his other hand grabbed the arm he was gripping before his hand let loose of the grip.

Your arm had a huge red print and Jeon frowned seeing that he did that. He lightly rubbed the area it hurt while you stared at him confused.

"I'm sorry." He finally spoke out softly to which you stared at him shock.

But then you snapped out of it immediately before shaking your head, "I-it's okay. It doesn't hurt that much."

Jeon rubbed the spot lightly still sporting a frown on his face before he suddenly brought your arm up and lightly giving a kiss on the spot it hurts.

You blushed with your eyes widened while he just pulled away and stared up at you which made your heart race against your chest.

The both of you didn't speak a word, just staring at each other in the eye and you were the first to break the contact and clear your throat.

Jeon was still holding onto your arm, this time softly and delicately which made your heart flutter more.

"S-so... where are we going?" You asked again and this time, rather than just ignoring your question, he gave you a small smile.

He brought his hand down your arm and towards your hand before he interlaced your fingers with his.

You gasped under your breath at how warm and gentle his hands felt, compared to how big it really is.

"Haneul-ah...." Jeon finally spoke after a moment of silence between the both of you and your heart started thumping harder and harder.

You could faint just by hearing the way he call you.

"Y-yes?" You stuttered nervously looking at him while he was deep in thoughts, staring at you with a soft expression.

"Let's go on a date." He stated determined after a short while and that made your breath hitched.

"W-what?" You uttered unsure if you heard him right.

He smiled at you fondly before taking your other hand with his free hand and also interlacing your fingers with his.

By this you were sure you were hyperventilating. Jeon showing you his sweet side and you were so not prepared for that.

Was Junghyun right? Was he jealous of our date, that's why he's doing this now?

You keep thinking of possible reasons to why he suddenly changed from the guy who never acknowledges your feelings, in a nice way, to this guy who is acting all sweet and more lovable.

"Let's go on a date Haneul-ah. Just you and me." He said it again and you breathe out noticing that he really is asking you out.

"W-why so suddenly?" You cursed at yourself mentally for still stuttering as he lightly rubbed your hands with his thumb.

"Because I don't want to lose what's technically mine towards my brother." He said with such finality that left you speechless with your mouth hanging open.

Please tell me I'm not dreaming.

Howdy, Jeon? (A BTS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now