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"We're going back to the valley again Sunny?" You asked your house as she slowly trotted along the familiar path that leads to her favorite place.

As you neared the place you saw the familiar black horse accompanied by another brown horse, together with two silhouettes standing beside the horses.

You slowly approached them and the both of them turned around to stare at you, one with a fed up looking face while the other had his eyebrows raised.

"Is it just me or am I seeing two Jeons? One looked slightly older." You commented before halting Sunny and getting off her.

"Howdy Jeon! Nice to see you this fine morning" You as usual said so enthusiastically while he just sighed without saying anything.

The other guy nudged him on the side and he looked up at him.

"I think this pretty little lady is greeting you, why don't you greet back?" The other guy spoke and you finally stared at him fully.

Jeon just turned to you and nodded, acknowledging the greeting while the other guy stared at him confused before turning to you, smiling.

"Howdy little lady. I'm this brat's older brother. Jeon Junghyun." He greeted you while you finally realized.

"Oh! Right! Jeon has a brother. Nice to meet you, I'm Lee Haneul." You greeted just as enthusiastically and the both of you shook hands.

Jeon narrowed his eyes at the handshake before completely ignoring it.

"So! Why is a pretty lady like you coming to this valley?" Jeon's brother asked you while Jeon scoffed.

"She's not pretty." He muttered to which his brother raised his eyebrows at and you pursed your lips.

"I always ride on my horse Sunny every morning and she seems to like this place so much so she usually just brings me here." You replied to Jeon's brother and disregarded what his little brother had just said.

"That is nice. A morning stroll, I miss that about the country life. In the cities, the loud sound of cars blaring in traffic is what greets me every morning. I craved for the sound of the wind on a ride on my horse." He said thoughtfully and giving me a genuine smile.

"Then you must be back for a visit? Because I clearly have never met you before." You stated truthfully while he nodded.

"Yep! Just going to be here for 2 weeks then I'm gone off to my college. I miss home so decided to come back during my short 2 weeks summer break." He answered finally and you made an 'o' and just nodded.

"Anyways, enough about me! What about you little lady? It seems like you were very excited to meet my little brother here." He asked cheerfully while patting Jeon's back.

Jeon has been silent the whole time you were talking to his brother and that made you wonder why. He looked up to his brother then finally back to me.

"She's just..... dad's old friend's daughter." He said so after a while and you just smiled with pursed lips and nodded.

"Well, I see. Then do you have a boyfriend Miss Haneul?" Jeon's brother asked you so suddenly and your eyes widened at him.

Jeon was also taken aback by his brother's question and he stared at you expectantly for an answer.

"Umm... no..." You answered unsure while Jeon's brother smiled.

"Well then, how about I change that! Want to go on a date with me Haneul?" Jeon's brother asked and your breath hitched while blinking your eyes at him, not believing what he just asked.

"What?" You uttered.

"WHAT?" Jeon yelled.

Both you and Jeon said at the same time and then stared at each other while Jeon just cleared his throat and looked away.

What was that about? Why does he sound shock?

Jeon's brother just stared at the both of us innocently with a smile, "I don't see why not. I would like to take a pretty little lady like you out on a date." He said finally while you just open and close your mouth like a fish not knowing what to say.

"No! She is not going with you! Why would you even ask her hyung?" Jeon said almost immediately to which his brother furrowed his eyebrows.

"I mean why not? She has to answer, not you Jungkook. She doesn't have a boyfriend either. So it's completely appropriate." His brother stated a matter-of-factingly while you just stared at the both of them.

"Yes she doesn't have a boyfriend but she has a crush on—" Jeon stopped mid-sentence and both his brother and you stared at him with raised eyebrows to why he stopped.

Was he gonna say that you had a crush on him?

"Crush on who?" Jeon's brother asked while Jeon just shut his lips.

"N-not my point! Anyways, no! You can't take her out on a date." Jeon said finally.

His brother just sighed at his little brother's behavior and shook his head at him before turning to you.

"So Haneul, what do you think?" He finally asked you directly while you just stared at him blinking your eyes.

"Uhhh.... I guess it would be fun?" You finally replied with a hesitant tone while he smiled and Jeon just stared at you in disbelief.

"Great! I'll pick you up in my truck for lunch later today." Jeon's brother said before he smiled at me and patted his little brother's back before mounting his brown horse and slowly riding away towards the direction of our house.

You were left with Jeon still staring at you in disbelief while you just raised your eyebrows and smiled at him innocently.

"I mean, it is just a date Jeon. No harm in that." You commented before mounting onto Sunny and riding away from him with a knowing smile on your face.

Jeon couldn't believe what had just happened and stared at your back fading away while he just scoffed again and again processing the situation that had behold.

Howdy, Jeon? (A BTS Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz