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You felt very confused to the point that nothing is making sense anymore.

Was it for power?

Was it for connections?

Many thoughts ran around your head which made a massive headache to pound against your skull, hard.

Getting tired of getting nowhere with this and being followed by the drama in Seoul till Busan was annoying, so you decided that you would just demand for the answer.

You didn't think, you just do it and before you know it, your hands dialed a number before placing it against your ear.

"Hello? Haneul?" You heard his voice and immediately the frustrations piled up before you exploded.

"Was it because she's the daughter of the mayor? Was that the reason why you're dating her?" You spoke out harshly then suddenly it was quiet.

"Haneul.... how—" But you interrupted him.

"Didn't think I would have found out Jeon? Well I didn't too, until the information felt like it slapped me in the face." You couldn't control your anger anymore.

"Please listen to me Haneul-ah." He said desperately but you were far from done.

You had a whole speech planned out in your head that you did not know where you should start from.

"Was it because of power? Connections? Was the reason you dated me, because my dad was running for mayor? But then since he lost, you decided to go for the daughter of the actual mayor." You spat out in venom, obviously getting too worked up, seeing like everything is just out to get you.

"What?! No Haneul! You're getting it all wrong. I dated you because I love you." He spoke out sounding very appalled by what he heard.

You just sighed and shut your eyes, finding this conversation useless and not knowing what to continue saying anymore because you feel so dejected.

There was only one thing left for you to ask. You knew you were being the one at fault here and accusing him for no reason, just to hide the real question you truly want to know the answers to.

"If you do love me then, why are you with her? What does she have that I don't? Did I not show you how much I love you? What was I lacking Jeon? Was I just not good enough for you?" You felt the tears dropping down your face again and your hand rubbing against the area where your heart was as it was aching so badly.

You were sobbing softly while the other line was silent as Jeon wasn't replying. It was silent for a whole five minute before he finally replied something, which you did not expected.

"I love you so much Haneul, more than you know. Just please, remember that. Only that." He spoke out softly and after that, the line went dead and you stared at your phone wide eyes to find that he hung up.

You just continued sobbing before throwing your phone onto the other side of the bed and laying down to cry on your pillow.

He didn't answer the questions.

He didn't reassure me anything.


The next morning, you groaned when you woke up and went to your bathroom to see your eyes being puffy after a whole night of sobbing.

You were getting sick of the crying and the pain, wondering when it would ever stop for you so that you can be happy again.

You just decided to do your morning routine and take a shower, before changing your clothes from yesterday that you didn't change out of.

Your tied your hair into a messy bun, not even caring about doing anything to it before heading downstairs, towards the kitchen to see it empty.

You frowned a bit, quite surprised not seeing your mom making breakfast and your dad sitting and eating breakfast while reading a newspaper.

You went over to the fridge and saw a sticky note attached to it.

We left to go see your grandma since she called and needed help. We didn't wake you because you looked tired. I've asked Mrs Jeon to take care of you for the day as we will be back late at night.

Love you,
Mom and Dad

You just sighed before making your own breakfast which was just a cup of milk because you weren't even hungry.

You decided to go for a ride with Sunny, as you put on your cowgirl boots and locking your house behind you, taking the keys then walking to your barn.

You figured you'd be back by lunch so only then would you go to Mrs Jeon's house.


The breeze was calming as Sunny ran at a moderate speed, past the valley then towards the small hill that Jeon has taken you for your first date.

You smiled at the memories as Sunny stopped at the spot where you had your picnic with him. You decided to get off and walked further to the edge of the hill.

You smiled while the breeze hit you more on top of here and you felt your worries disappear.

You were enjoying the peace when suddenly you heard a twig snapped which made you turn towards the direction and for Sunny to also become alert.

There was a secluded area near the hill, which was covered with many dense trees and bushes, but it was bright in the day so it didn't looked scary.

You scrunched your eyebrows, being weary before slowly approaching where the sound came from. You saw a flash of a person passing which made you alert.

"Is somewhere there?" You asked but got no reply while you peered through the bushes and suddenly you felt hands wrapping around you from behind and covering your mouth.

You screamed at the top of your lungs but it was muffled while you struggled in what seem to obviously be a man's grip.

Sunny neighed loudly before scurrying off and away while you stared helplessly at your horse who soon was out of sight.

Someone started approaching from the bushes and your eyes widened seeing who it was.

The man chuckled before saying, "Surprised to see me? It was a shame we couldn't finish what we left off back at that closet. If only your little boyfriend hadn't interrupted us." He sneered while you continued wiggling out of the grip around you.

You couldn't believe this man was here in Busan and is now kidnapping you yet again.

"Tie her up and let's go. The boss is waiting for her." He yelled towards the guy behind you and your eyes widened in fear.

Soon, your hands were tied and a tape was stuck onto your lips before something was put over your head.

Then you felt someone lifting you up over someone's shoulder, being carried somewhere until they dropped you somewhere and you heard a door closed.

Then you heard two more doors closed shut and a familiar sound of a car engine reviving up before it suddenly moved.

You were crying as you curled up while trying to calm your frantic beating heart and hyperventilation.

Where are they taking me?

Howdy, Jeon? (A BTS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now