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"So you see that is how I have a scar on my left knee which was the result of that stupid guy who pushed me off the swing. But I got even with him by placing a grasshopper into his lunch box, which had him crying throughout the whole class. Can you believe guys were such cowards when they were ten?"

You were in Jeon's truck sitting beside him blabbering non stop ever since you guys left your father's work.

Jeon did not utter a single word, just staring straight and had his hands on the steering wheels.

You being the stubborn one that you are, just continued talking about your life and commenting on everything that you both pass by.

You were suddenly silent thinking of what more to say and suddenly a brilliant idea appeared in your mind. You smiled brightly and faced Jeon who, as usual, still didn't give you any attention.

You crossed your legs on the seat, facing his way and spoke, "Jeon! Do you want to play a game?"

He just spared you a short glance then turned back towards the road.

"No." He replied shortly after.

You pouted but still was adamant.

"It would be fun! The game I had in mind was that we could play dress up." You said enthusiastically while Jeon just rolled his eyes and sighed.

Then you continued, "That way I can be the cowgirl and you be the horse, which means I get to ride you all day."

You said with a cheeky tone with a hint of a lip bite while Jeon turned towards you with a horrified face.

"What the fuck!" He finally blurted out.

"Exactly!" You retorted to which he shut his eyes and groaned before rubbing his forehead.

"Oh don't go feeling excited already Jeon, I haven't even started the pleasure." You said again while he opened his eyes again and stared at you.

"Stop Lee Haneul. Jesus Christ." He muttered out and decided to ignore you the rest of the way but you being you just continued talking about anything you could think of.


"Mom! I'm back!" You yelled when entering your house and saw your mom sitting in the living room knitting.

"Back already? I thought you were coming back by the time your father does." Your mom questioned when you sat beside her.

"I got a ride back with Jeon." You replied to which your mom nodded and went back to knitting.

It was silent between the two of you until you decided to ask something with determination.

"Hey mom. How did you and dad met?" You asked softly while fiddling with the ends of your crop top.

Your mother stared at you and saw something in your eyes which made her softly smile. She put her knitting materials down and held your hands before placing them on her lap.

"My dear sweet daughter. Tell me, do you like Jungkook?" She asked which made you blush and avoid eye contact.

"Was I that obvious?" You asked timidly.

You know you were obvious but only towards Jeon.

You had never shown the same blunt and obvious side of you to anyone except him so you were flustered to how your mom knew.

"Oh sweetheart. I can see it from your eyes." She answered sweetly to which you looked up and stared back at her.

"When I was your age, I had a huge crush on your father like it was nobody's business. My eyes would sparkle the way yours do whenever you see him or even talk about him." She stated and you raised your eyebrows at her actually hearing this for the first time.

You had never gotten the chance to sit down and talk about your parents' love life as you were quite busy chasing your own.

"So to start with how I met your father, he was the son of a family friend and they first visited for our Thanksgiving dinner. They lived just a street down from ours but I've never met their son, just his parents.

So when he arrived into our house and I saw him for the first time, I was so awestruck seeing anyone as handsome as him. I could tell you I might have been drooling." She said chuckling while you smiled at that.

"We had our dinner and the whole time my eyes were just on your father. He conversed with everyone and I admire the way he spoke maturely and that made me like him even more. Then after that night after they left, I was determined to get his attention and make him like me back.

It was a very funny story because I made it that obvious that I like him and would always find ways to either talk to him or see him. At first, he just brushed me off as annoying but later he started giving in and finally, we're married and we have this beautiful daughter of ours." She finishes off and you smiled as she wrapped her arms around you.

"Moral of my story is my daughter, just be yourself and never give up. That's how I got your father to love me as much he does right now." She lastly commented while you nodded and gave her a tight hug before saying 'thank you mom'.

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