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You looked at yourself in the mirror and nodded once as you think that you looked quite decent enough for the date.

You had on a white off shoulder crop top with sleeves midway to your elbow and you paired it with blue short jeans and a belt.

Your hair was down in its natural waves tumbling down your back and you decided to fit it with a pearl head band.

You applied some lip gloss to give your lips some color and some blush to give your face a bit more color and liveliness to it.

Lastly, you grabbed your purse, slipped on your cute white flats before you went downstairs to be met by your mom who had a smile on her face when she saw you descended down the stairs.

"Oh my god, you look beautiful sweetheart." She exclaimed while you just smiled and blushed.

"Thanks mom. Jungkook's brother wanted to have lunch with me." You answered while she stared at you quite shocked with raised eyebrows.

"Oh? I thought it was Jungkook whom you'd agree on a date with." She stated knowingly while you just sheepishly shrugged.

"I just thought it would be okay and maybe make Jungkook jealous." You said while mumbling the last part but your mom heard.

She smiled and shook her head slightly.

"You are my daughter indeed." She stated after a while before you smiled at her proudly as the doorbell then rang.

You smiled at your mom, initiating that you got it before walking towards the door, opening it to reveal Jungkook's brother in a pair of blue washed loose fit jeans, a button down shirt and a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

He smiled at you and scanned you from top to bottom while you stood there and blushed.

"Wow, you look stunning little lady." He finally spoke which had you softly uttering a 'thank you'.

He handed you the bouquet of flowers, which you brought inside the house and placed into a vase full of water.

Then, you walked back towards the entrance and exited along with him towards his truck which was parked in front of the gates.

"I have this lovely dining place that I always go to when I lived here before moving to the city. Would you mind going there?" He asked while the both of you walked towards the truck.

"Anything is fine with me." You answered truthfully as he opened the door for you to enter.

You thanked him and was about to enter the car when you saw Jungkook standing on the porch of his house watching you with a poker face but his eyes were narrowed.

You bit back a smile, and turned away to enter the truck and waited for Jungkook's brother to shut the door.

But he didn't and what surprised you was he lightly took your hand that was resting on your lap, before giving a light kiss onto the back of it.

Your eyes widened to what he did and unknowingly your eyes shifted towards Jungkook to see his reaction.

He had his hands gripping the handles on the porch, and due to the contracting of his muscles, you can tell he was gripping it hard.

Jungkook's brother paid no mind to his little brother staring at the both of them before lightly shutting the door and walking around the truck towards the driver seat.

He hopped on and started the engine, giving me a small smile and wink, before accelerating forward.


You arrived at a cute looking restaurant which looked classy but casual at the same time.

Junghyun exited first and quickly rounded the truck and opened the door for you to which you smiled and blushed.

"I could have just opened it myself." You muttered softly but he heard you and smiled.

"I mean, this is the least one should do for a pretty little lady." He answered which had you blushing again.

Man, if only Jungkook were half this sweet.

The both of you walked side by side and entered the restaurant where the waitress smiled at the both of you before accompanying you to your seats near the end.

You thanked the waitress when she placed two menus on the table and said to just call whenever we're ready to order.

Junghyun told you to order whatever you like and you skimmed through, trying to find out what appeals you.

After a few minutes, Junghyun called the waitress and he ordered himself a fresh T-bone steak, medium well, with fries on the sides and you ordered a poached salmon with mash potatoes on the sides.

The waitress asked if we wanted anything to drink and Junghyun ordered a can of coke while you just ordered water.

The waitress noted down the orders, took back the menus and smiled before leaving to tend to our orders.

The table was silent and you looked down at your fingers on your lap as they were fiddling and you felt quite nervous because this was your first date.

You actually wished it was Jungkook rather than his brother but you just brushed it out of your mind because you feel guilty.

You then heard Junghyun suddenly chuckling and you looked up to stare at him questionably.

"There was actually a reason to why I asked you out on a date today, other than because I find you pretty." He spoke and that intrigued you.

He smiled knowingly while you furrowed your eyebrows to why he was staring at you as if he knows your deep secret.

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