11 December, 1974 - Gifts

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The first snow of the year had graced the grounds of Hogwarts just in time for Lavinia's fifteenth birthday. She didn't expect much out of it, if she was honest, but the snow was a nice touch. She loved the way the grounds glistened white in the fragile winter sun. It looked like the world had been decorated just for her. The thought made her feel silly, but she smiled nonetheless.

She had never made much of her birthday, not the way she knew some people did. Alexandra had hosted a party for each of her birthdays as far back as Lavinia could remember, but Lavinia's mother had always considered birthday parties tacky.

"A party for a family occasion is just begging for attention," she'd say. "If you're important enough, you don't need to throw parties for people to remember it's your day." And indeed, when she was younger, people had simply shown up with presents in hand. No invitations needed. Of course they'd really just wanted to get in the family's good graces, but the gifts had been nice.

Now, however, not many people at Hogwarts even knew when Lavinia's birthday was and she wasn't about to have her mother thinking she was attention seeking. In past years, she'd gotten a few gifts from friends, and of course, a letter and gift from her parents.

Indeed, the day progressed much as any Wednesday would, with breakfast a rather drowsy affair before classes began, punctuated by the arrival of Paris, bearing the usual letter and gift -a book on advanced Arithmancy - from her parents. Then lunch, more classes, and studying. The only thing that really distinguished the day from any other, besides her parents abnormally kind letter, was a Slug Club party, which, though an odd occurrence in the middle of the week, wasn't terribly out of the ordinary. No doubt he would be showing off some famous acquaintance. Or else, reminiscing of his younger years while the students pretended to be interested.

After her classes, Lavinia headed to the library, as per usual, to finish up the homework she had due the next day and hopefully get a headstart on the rest of her work. She'd finished her History of Magic essay and was just starting on a translation for Ancient Runes when Eloise came up to her table.

"Hey, El," Lavinia greeted. "Want to join?"

Eloise scrunched her nose. "No thanks," she said. "Isn't that due Friday anyway?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to do it all tomorrow night. Don't forget we have Astronomy Friday too and those star charts take forever."

"They would take less time if you didn't always do it the night before."

"I don't always do it the night before," she protested and when Eloise gave her a pointed look, she rolled her eyes. "Besides, Astronomy is easy, it's just time consuming. I'd rather spend my energy on other things. Like Runes. Have you even looked at this? The manuscript is practically illegible." She squinted down at the scribbled runes on a yellowing piece of parchment to emphasize her point.

"No, and I'm not going to now," Eloise retorted. "I have business to attend to."

"What kind of business?" asked Lavinia, curiosity piqued. "What are you even doing here if you're not going to do work?"

"I am here to collect you."

"Collect me?" Lavinia echoed, a flat incredulity in her ton.

"That is what I said," Eloise replied with breezy confidence

"I'm not a chocolate frog card, El," Lavinia deadpanned. "Why do I need collecting?"

"Because you're being terribly uncooperative and you need to come back to the dorm now," Eloise explained, as though this were obvious.

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