16 June, 1977 - Almost Normal

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On the last day of exams, Lavinia could almost - almost - imagine that nothing had changed this year. She left her Defense Against the Dark Arts exam with all her friends except Regulus in tow as they had all continued the subject to NEWT level. All in all, she thought she hadn't done terribly on her exams. She'd definitely passed, but she was also certain she hadn't done as well as her mother would undoubtedly expect. That thought sent a shiver of fear down her spine, but as she couldn't do anything about it now, she contented herself with a few deep sighs and pushed the thoughts away for later, something made far easier by the presence of her friends. Surrounded by them like this as they headed to the grounds, it was far simpler to put aside her worries about the summer holidays, though she had no doubt those fears would come back in full force later. For now, though... well, for now she decided she could give herself a break and enjoy the sun which shone on high.

As they exited the castle, and headed for the grounds, Lavinia couldn't help but take a deep breath of the fresh spring air. The grass was bright and green and the Lake glittered sapphire blue. The day felt like one for happiness, and for once, Lavinia didn't mind. The only thing that marred the perfect scene was the dark clouds on the horizon that threatened the arrival of the usual summer rains that would no doubt make the train ride home a dreary one. So they headed for their usual spot on the grounds to soak in the last of the northern spring.

"Thank Merlin we're done with sixth year," Alexandra sighed, practically collapsing onto the grass.

"Agh, don't say that," Thomas protested, settling himself down and motioning for Eloise to sit next to him. Lavinia gave a private smile as she leaned back on her elbows, glad that her two friends were properly happy together, even though an awful, selfish part of her wished she sat in Eloise's place, feeling happy and content for once.

Alexandra gave Thomas a sideways look from where she lay on the ground. "Why not?" she asked, incredulous. "Exams are over, the summer is here and we don't have to study for a whole three months."

"Ha!" Lavinia exclaimed derisively.

"Ha?" asked Alexandra, propping herself up on an elbow to frown at the blonde.

"Yes, ha," Lavinia repeated. "Next year is NEWTs. I don't know about you, but my mother will be making sure I start studying as soon as I get home."

"Your mother and her grades," Eloise muttered, shaking her head.

Lavinia gave a small snort. "Your father isn't much better," she pointed out, though privately she knew the Nott family had nothing on Rhea Selwyn's expectations of perfection.

Eloise wrinkled her nose in mild annoyance, but sighed. "Fair point," she conceded.

"Besides, after NEWTs, there's just... life." Thomas grimaced and shuddered slightly as he said it and they all gave slightly nervous laughs.

"But we'll get to move out and actually do things," Severus argued. "We'll be free." Lavinia looked at her friend, keeping her pity carefully hidden. She knew why Severus couldn't wait to get out of school and it had a lot to do with four boys she couldn't bring herself to hate as much as she knew she should.

"It'll be terrifying," Thomas countered and next to him, Eloise nodded her approval.

"It will be nice to have our own places, though," Alexandra reasoned. "No little siblings at least," she said, glancing at Lavinia, who shrugged. If she was honest, she hadn't given life post-Hogwarts much thought. As her family constantly reminded her, her future was laid out for her. There seemed little point in dwelling on it.

"Speak for yourselves," she sighed. "I get to spend another year at home after NEWTs."

"Ew, why?" Severus asked, wrinkling her nose.

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