2 May, 1984 - Joy

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Lavinia rubbed her eyes, trying to push the exhaustion of the past few days away and reminded herself that she just had to make it to Monday and everything would get better. On Monday , the new healer would arrive. She just had to get to Monday. Which made it a real shame that it was currently only Wednesday.

Huffing a breath, Lavinia plopped down on a couch in the employee lounge of St. Mungo's to wait for Miriam, who she was supposed to meet here. She was very tempted to just call their planned lunch off, but knew better. She was often tempted to cancel plans and spend the rest of the day reading at home. Or taking a nap. But Lavinia had been doing her best to make an effort lately. To try. Just as she'd promised herself she would.

Though, if she was honest, this was probably one of those times when she would have had a perfectly reasonable excuse to postpone. But... well, she didn't want to risk making it a habit and besides, Miriam had sounded so excited when she'd suggested they go out today instead of their usual Friday meal.

So Lavinia stayed where she was, closing her eyes and leaning her head back as she did. Merlin, she was tired. She felt rather like she could have just fallen asleep right where she was. Of course, if Miriam saw that, she'd never hear the end of it but... it might be worth it, Lavinia thought, for a few moments of extra rest.

The unfortunate reality was that ever since Bertie had retired the previous month, Lavinia, Robert and Elias had all been working extra shifts to cover the blank and it was taking its toll. Especially the extra night shift that Lavinia had picked up. Add in the lack of a proper weekend and she felt like she was constantly about to fall asleep. Not that she blamed her friend. He had certainly earned his retirement and Lavinia didn't begrudge him that for a moment.

Really, the worst part about it was simply that she missed him terribly and with her schedule so busy until the new trainee came in, she hadn't had the chance to do more than pop in for an hour or so at a time before running off somewhere, usually either to work or to bed. She'd promised her friend that as soon as she had a weekend, she would be making sure to visit him on it and cook for him as she once had, but until then she was forced to cope without his comforting presence.

Bertie, of course, had merely smiled and shook his head when she'd told him this and reminded her that she shouldn't worry so much. That he would manage and she mustn't fret. Lavinia had completely ignored him and continued to fret all she pleased. Which was plenty. The truth was that Bertie was getting old and she wanted to take care of him, wanted to pay him back for his many kindnesses in whatever little way she could. It grated on her not to have time for that. Not to have time for him. Granted, she also hadn't really had any time for herself in the last three weeks, but she couldn't really have cared less about that. Except to wish for more sleep.

Indeed, moments after this thought occurred to Lavinia, a voice pulled Lavinia from her contemplation. "You need to sleep more at night. You know," Miriam said drily, "when normal people rest."

Lavinia opened her eyes as she felt the couch cushions next to her depress under her friend's weight. Straightening up, she found the plump brunette smiling almost exasperatedly at her, an off mix of amusement and worry tinging the expression.

"Tell me about it," Lavinia yawned into her hand. "But the trainees don't start until this coming Monday so...." She trailed off with a slight grimace, rolling her shoulders slightly in what she knew was a vain attempt to loosen the tightness there.

Miriam frowned in sympathy. "There are times," she admitted, nodding in agreement, "When I'm glad I'm in a decent sized ward. Plenty of backup."

Lavinia pulled an emphatic face and stifled another yawn. "So," she started, looking directly at Miriam. "What's it going to be today? The tea parlor on WIlloughby? That curry place in Manchester? Or are we allowed to just sit on the couch and talk so I can avoid moving for the next several hours?"

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