12 December, 1974 - Damage Control

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The morning dawned bright and frosted and gave off the distinct impression of the holiday season. One more week, Lavinia reminded herself as she made her way to breakfast with Eloise, Alexandra and Emma. Emma excused herself and went to go sit with her friends from the Quidditch team almost as soon as they entered the hall, and the three other girls settled into their usual seats towards the middle of the long tables.

They were already digging into their breakfasts when Regulus and Severus shuffled up, yawning and plopping into the seats opposite their friends.

"How are you not asleep still, Vin?" asked Regulus, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Because I went to bed at a reasonable hour," she said serenely, taking a sip from her own mug.

"That's a first," Severus teased, nudging her foot under the table. Lavinia forced herself not to blush.

"How the tables have turned," she observed, with mock gravity.

Breakfast continued in amiable silence until the post owls swooped down from the rafters. Lavinia glanced up, not expecting much. She'd had a letter from her family only a few days ago and though she'd responded, it didn't seem likely she would be receiving a reply terribly soon. Her parents wouldn't want to seem overly attached.

But Paris was gliding down, looking his usual bad tempered self. He landed in front of her and Lavinia untied the letter from his leg as he ruffled his feathers impatiently. No sooner had she released the letter than Paris gave her hand a light nuzzle and took off, almost knocking over Eloise's pumpkin juice.

"Delightful disposition, that one" Eloise commented, righting her glass. "If I didn't know better, I'd say he was a cat."

"Even cats aren't as mean as Paris on a bad day," Alexandra chimed in. Indeed, Paris's sour nature was well known in their group as their summer correspondences had more than once ended in nips from him.

"No kidding," Severus agreed. "Who's the letter from, anyway?"

"My parents," Lavinia muttered, confused. Had she done something wrong? Had she behaved suspiciously last night? Could they possibly know what she'd wished for? Keeping her face forcibly blank, Lavinia opened the letter and began to read.

Dear Lavinia,

Your uncle Abraxas stopped by last night, saying he was in the area and wanted to check in. He told us he'd come from Hogwarts, from a party hosted by Horace Slughorn. I gather you saw him there. We were so pleased to hear you seem to be a favorite of the professor. Keep up the good work there. It was with some disappointment, however, that we listened to your uncle's report that you are still hanging around with that Snape boy. We've talked about this, Lavinia. He is beneath you. You would do better to focus on your relationships with your pureblood friends, especially Regulus Black.

We look forward to having you home for the holidays. Give William our love.


Your Parents

Lavinia sighed, both relieved and annoyed and vaguely sad. Thank Merlin Abraxas's report had been favorable. Her mother could write it off as coincidence, but they all knew she'd asked him to come by. Though their comments about Severus made her boil. What did they know? They hadn't ever met him, nor would they ever deign too.

She re-read the last line.

Give William our love.

She was being silly. Their love was implied in the fact that they'd sent her the letter. It wasn't like they needed to say it out loud. Would be nice though. She shook the thought away.

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