Chapter Nineteen

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I was laying on the deck playing games on my phone when I noticed a large Fire Nation ship pull up next to ours. 

Zuko glared at the ship, "What do you think they want?"

I got up, "Do I look like a mind reader?"

A soldier from the other ship walked into our ship. 

"Bro, what do you want?" I asked.

"Admiral Zhao has been entrusted with the hunt for the Avatar. All information will be reported to him."

Iroh grinned, "Zhao got a promotion?"

I groaned, "no one cares about Zhao's promotion."

"We don't have anything to report," Zuko practically yelled, "get off my ship."

"The Admiral is not letting any ships in or out of this area."

I rolled my eyes and raised my hand, controlling the soldier's body. I constricted his vocal cords, not allowing him to talk. I caused him to turn around and walk back to his ship, "You heard the man," I yelled after him, "Off the damn ship."

I may not support the capturing of the Avatar, but I definitely don't support Zhao.


Zuko was gone the whole day. I have no idea where he went. 

What I do know is that he left me on music night. I don't enjoy sitting down listening to old men sing. 

I was going to hide in my room, but Iroh made me stay.

I blasted music in my headphones the whole time.

Zuko looked depressed as he walked past us. 

"Where have you been?" I yelled. 

"Zuko!" Iroh exclaimed, "you missed music night."

"I'm going to bed. Don't disturb me."

So cranky.


You know, the next few days were uneventful. I slept through a lot of them. We had followed the Avatar all the way North.

We seemed to be approaching the Northern Water Tribe. The Northern Water Tribe was much more advanced than the Southern Tribe. Plus, we didn't murder all of their waterbenders.

Morbid. I know.

I knocked on Zuko's door. 

"Come in."

I opened the door to see Zuko sitting on his bed. I laid down next to him.

"Ok, make your self comfortable," Zuko said sarcastically. 

"That's literally what I was doing."

"What's up, (Y/N)?"

"The sky."

"I hate you."

"No, you don't."

He sighed, "You're right," he leaned back and laid down next to me. We both stared at the ceiling. 

"Do you remember when we were still in school?" I asked him.

"It was only three years ago (Y/N)"

"Yeah, but it feels like a lifetime ago."

He sighed, "You're right," then he smiled, "Hey, do you remember when you first joined the advanced bending class and you beat nearly everyone without even having to bend?"

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