Chapter Sixty-Eight

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I woke up and was very confused for a second. It felt like I was in a moving vehicle? What? I opened my eyes and yawned. I was in a car. Zuko's car.

Zuko glanced at me, "You're awake?"

"No," I groaned. My eyes widened in realization and I sat up, "Wait! What time is it? Shit," I scrambled for my phone, "Oh, Kat's going to kill me!"

"Relax. It's only 7, we're on our way to school. I called Katara, I told her we had an early morning fire bending thing. She thinks we're already at school, Sokka and Aang are giving her and Toph a ride today. You can calm down."

I glanced down at my sweatpants. I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I groaned. Katara was going to notice.

Zuko sensed my dismay. He tilted his head to the back seat, "I brought you a pair of jeans you left at my place before we broke up. I didn't have any shirts for you, so I brought you one of mine. Just tell Katara you spilled coffee on your shirt and I had a spare in my gym locker."

I glanced at him, "You... you did all that?"

He smiled and kept staring at the road, gripping the wheel tighter, "Of course."

I smiled back at him and reached to the back of the car where there was a plastic bag with clothes. I took off my sweatshirt. Zuko swerved the car and pulled over in front of a coffee shop.

"Are you crazy?" His face was red.

"What?" I was in my slightly see-through pajama shirt.

He blushed and picked up my (his?) sweatshirt and threw it at me, "Go see if they have a bathroom you can change in inside," he mumbled.

I laughed and picked up the bag of clothes before getting out of the car. They did in fact have a bathroom and I changed into my jeans and Zuko's shirt. It was just a plain red shirt but it was thin and it smelled like him. I loved Zuko's scent. He smelled like... I don't know, it's hard to explain. Like a smoky sandalwood smell. Needless to say, I couldn't get enough of it.

I headed back to the car, where Zuko was waiting for me.

He looked up from his phone when he saw me, "You look amazing."

My face heated up, "Thanks."


We got to school early, and I decided to head to my waterbending class. Pakku was sitting in the front of the classroom. He looked up from his laptop, where he was typing something.

"(Y/N)? You're early. What a surprise," he sounded slightly annoyed.

Firebending was probably the only class I'm ever early too.

I laughed and scratched the back of my head, "Sorry. But at least I'm here."

"Where's Katara?"

"Kat? I didn't give her a ride today. How's Gran-Gran? Have you talked with her?"

"Why wouldn't I talk with my wife?" he paused, "You should call her. She's your grandma too. She feels bad that she was never a part of your life."

"Yeah," I yawned, "I will."

"Tired?" He asked.

"Didn't get much sleep last night."


Katara burst into the room. She saw me and glared.

"Shit," I coughed, "Hi, Katara."

"What the hell, (Y/N)?! Why do I have to hear from Zuko that you have an early morning firebending thing?! Some heads up would be nice!"

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