Chapter Thirty-Three

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We settled on the ship nicely.

Not that it mattered to me. This ship was like the one I had traveled with Zuko in for three years. 

I found a room and dropped my backpack. 

I opened the backpack and turned it upside down. Some clothes came out, paper, snacks, my wallet, and my laptop. 

Guess I forgot to throw that out.

I slipped my wallet into my pocket. Then, I opened the laptop. It was 50% charged. The background was a picture of Zuko and me.


I was grinning and holding a peace sign up to the camera, Zuko was smiling and looking at me. 

I held up my phone, "Let's take a picture!"

"What? Why?"

"I want too."



Zuko sighed and ran his hands through his hair, "Fine."

I smiled and clapped, "I love you!"

Zuko laughed, "I love you more, (Y/N). And since I'm actually voluntarily taking this photo, will you please replace the one on your phone?"


"I hate you."

"You love me."

"Unfortunately," he laughed and rolled his eyes.

I made bent water to my fist, coating it before hardening it into ice. I slammed my fist against the laptop, shattering the screen. I picked it up and chucked it against the wall.

Katara ran into the room, "What's happening? Are you okay?"

I looked at her, my hair in my face. I pushed my hair away and smiled, "I'm fine."

I walked over to the broken pieces of my laptop and picked it up. 

Katara looked at the laptop, "That... that doesn't look fine."

"I said," I dropped the laptop into a trashcan, "I'm fine."

Katara sighed, "You know, I'm free to talk if you want. Aang probably won't be awake for a week or two at the most, so if you want-"

"God, are all of you so nosy? I just want to be alone," I snapped.

Katara looked hurt, "I just... I thought we could bond. We're cousins, right?"

I laughed, "So because we share some of the same blood, I should open up to you? You're not my family, Katara. Leave me alone."

"If that's what you want," Katara walked out of the room. I slammed the door behind her.

I locked the door and looked back to the pile of stuff that came out of my bag. I rummaged through the papers.

One of them looked unfamiliar. It was folded nicely, and I had never seen it before in my life.

I opened it.

Dear (Y/N),

I love you.

I stopped reading. I recognized Zuko's handwriting. I clutched the paper and my hand burned through it, setting it on fire. I watched as the letter turned into nothing but ash. 

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