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1 week later
"I'll be back soon, call me if you need anything" Jongho says as he leaves. I humph out, just because  I'm pregnant doesn't mean I have to be home all day. I don't even have a baby bump yet! okay maybe I do have a small one but that's not the point! Jongho is just being to cautious.

I never realized how being pregnant can affect you. Huge mood swings, cravings, morning sickness, horniness, and tiredness.

This is how most days go for me now.

I want cookies

I want to fuck

I want to fuck while eating cookies

Let's be sad

Kill them

Kill them too!

Kill them and eat their cookies!

It's okay I'll feel better soon

Haha no I won't

Shit I dropped a spoon, better cry

Jongho said it's normal since I'm pregnant, but how does he know he's never been pregnant before! I should calm down. My phone begins to buzz snapping me out of my thoughts. It's probably Jongho to check up on me since he does that now more than ever.


He's calls me everyday at least 20 times. I never answer. Should I answer now. He slept with Kiri, and then I slept with Jongho. We're even now. What have I done. Why did I sleep with Jongho. I mentally face palm myself. Fuck it.


Sorin I am so sorry, I promise I did not sleep with Kiri she lied-

I cut him off

Seonghwa I don't want to hear your apologies

Then what do you want to hear, I love you it was a mistake to make you leave please come back

Aren't you mad about me not getting pregnant, aren't you disappointed that your parents won't be grandparents since they think I'm pregnant

I don't care about any of that anymore I just want you back here with me

I have to go Jongho got home


I hung up. Seeing Jongho enter the house I get up to help him with the bags. "No, I got it go sit down" he insists immediately after I offer a hand. "I'm not weak" I say "I know but you have to be careful with my baby" he says. His baby? "Can we talk" I say as he put the groceries away. "What's up" he says "what do you think we are" I ask and he doesn't say anything and puts the things in his hands down. Jongho looks me in eye. "I don't know Sorin, I told you that night that I love you, and want to be the father of your baby" he says "did that not mean anything to you" he asks. I can't look at him. I love Jongho I really do but as my best friend. I truly don't know what went through my mind that night. Stupid hormones, wanting sex. Am I really blaming that. "It's fine" he says seeing that I wasn't going to say anything "I should've know..... you didn't even say I love you back to me" he says going back to putting the purchased items in cabinets.

I lay in my bed. Crying yet again. I would think a body could run out of tears from crying this much but no here I am letting the tears pour out of my eyes. Jongho must feel hurt. What have I done. I really want to go talk to him but it will only make things worse because he's right I can't tell him that I love him if I don't the same way he does to me. I still love Seonghwa no matter what I will always love him, he's my husband, my friend, my everything. I need some time alone, like really alone. Away from this house away from people I know. I put a sweater and shoes on quietly passing Jongho's room and leaving the house as quickly as possible. Walking to the closest coffee shop.

Seonghwa's POV
I swear I never did anything with Kiri. She's not even pregnant. Right after Sorin left she admitted to lying. I made her leave too. I'm great a making people leave aren't I? My sister stayed for a couple more days then left. I never thought I would cry over Sorin because I thought she would never leave my side. Why was I so stupid to make her leave.

I try to make coffee from the coffee maker in the kitchen but it won't work. Everyday just keeps getting worse. I sit on the coach alone. Usually when I'd sit down Sorin would jump on me and cuddle with me but she's gone. Here I go again with the tears. I wipe them away. I really need coffee. I get my keys before driving to a coffee shop.

No one's POV
Sorin sits at a table alone drinking her beverage. Looking out the window she sees people walking by. Couples holding hands, people on the phone, others waving down a cab. It is a cold day but the sun was out making Sorin's eyes squint when she looked higher into the clouds. "Excuse me" Sorin turned the other way to see the owner of the voice.

Seonghwa walks into the coffee shop, smelling baked goods and coffee. "Hello" the women says to Seonghwa "hi" he answers "what would you like to order" she asks politely. Seonghwa orders his drink and pays "keep the change..." Seonghwa looks at her name tag "Yejin" he says with a smile "have a good day" she nods to Seonghwa "oh I'm Seonghwa" he says "hopefully I see you soon" Yejin says before Seonghwa smiles and walks away seeing a familiar person at a table.

" Seonghwa looks at her name tag "Yejin" he says with a smile "have a good day" she nods to Seonghwa "oh I'm Seonghwa" he says "hopefully I see you soon" Yejin says before Seonghwa smiles and walks away seeing a familiar person at a table

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Never forget
April 16, 2014

Baby | Seonghwa ATEEZ ff |Where stories live. Discover now