Ch 10

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You know those dangerous people who make you laugh, laugh and laugh then boom suddenly your naked. Yeah I'm afraid I may end up naked in front of a new friend I met at this coffee shop.

Wait I can't sleep with him. Damn hormones, leave me alone! I just met him, and I'm married. Fuck, that didn't stop me when I did it with Jongho. Why! I'm internally crying in the inside. I'm so fucked up. I'm a horrible person. No Sorin you can't think like this it's bad for the baby. Is it? Anyways pay attention to what he's saying!

"So are you in a relationship" the boy named Yanan asks. Oh fuck. "It's complicated" I say nervously "let me guess you and your boyfriend got in a argument" he says. More like, my husband made me leave because I couldn't have his baby, and wants me back now. But now I'm pregnant with him but he doesn't know. I slept with my best friend who I only see as a best friend, and hurt him. So I'm nervous to talk to him or even go back to his home which I'm staying in. On top of all that I still love my husband but am not ready to go back to him. But sure you can say it was just an argument with my boyfriend. I laugh making Yanan smile "sure" I say and he doesn't mind why I just said 'sure'.

I've been talking to this guy for about an hour. He's so kind and makes me feel soft. His voice is so sweet. "Can I ask why you suddenly wanted to talk to me" I ask "well you were sitting alone and seemed to be deep in thought, not in a good way like you were worrying about something" he says "I thought a smile would make you more beautiful than when you look upset" Yanan says.

I smile at his compliment. Wait did he call me beautiful! I'm married and pregnant boy! Oh yeah he doesn't know that. I check the clock it's getting pretty late. "Yanan it was nice meeting you but-" I was cut off "but you have to go home.... yeah, yeah" he says "can I have your number..... so we can stay in contact" he says cheerfully "sure" I answer he stands up handing me his phone.

Damn this boy is tall. I put my number in and contemplate if I should put my contact name as bad bitch or Sorin. I think Sorin is good. I hand back the phone. "I'll call you" he says "yeah, see you" I say waving bye to the tall boy.

I hesitate to open the door. Hopefully Jongho is still in his room. I take a deep breathe and push the door open. I see no one, clear. I make a run for it. "Sorin" I swear I almost made it to my room. I slowly walk to the kitchen where the voice came from. "Yes" I say "where did you go" Jongho asked "I went to get coffee" I say "alone, that's not-" I cut him off "Jongho I'm fine and so is the baby don't worry about it" I say "you know why I worry so much about you and the baby" he says trying to look in my eyes but I refuse to look back. I nod slowly. "I know we aren't in the best situation right now but I still want you safe" Jongho says and I nod again. I really can't say anything huh?

Seonghwa's POV
The familiar figure I see is Yanan. It looks like he's about to leave. I go up to him just to say hi. "Yanan" I say "Seonghwa how are you" he says surprised. How do I put this, my heart is in pain and I feel lonely. "I'm good and you" I ask "I'm great I just met a girl she is amazing" he says with a wide smile, she must've really made an impression. "Wow" I say "yeah she's so funny, but seemed a little sad, maybe that's just me" he says "what ever it is I trust your judgment" I say "yeah but I have to go now" he says "yeah see you later" I say

The next day
Sorin's POV
"I'm going out" I say quickly "where" Jongho says right before I open the door "the store" I say "for" he asks. Should I tell him. Yes "I-I want to buy stuff for the baby"

"This looks safe" Jongho says pointing to a crib. So once I told him what I was getting he insisted on coming with me. I don't mind but I want to choose the things for MY baby. "Yes very safe" I say "you don't like it" he asks "Jongho please just let me choose the stuff on my own" I say and he nods putting his hands up "fine" he says.

We arrive home and I sit down tired from all the walking. Meanwhile Jongho is walking back and forth from his car to inside the house bringing everything I bought inside.

I open a lot of the boxes. I fold gender neutral colored clothes for newborns and place them in baskets. I sigh getting tired all over again. "Sorin I filled the tub for you to shower" Jongho says "you seemed tired and I know showers relax you so go I'll clean up" he says "thank you" I say before going to bathe.

No one's POV
Right when Jongho was about to clean the door was knocked on. Jongho opened it seeing someone to his complete surprise. It is Kiri. "What are you doing here" Jongho asked irritated "I wanted to apol-" Kiri looks behind him and sees all the baby stuff on the floor. She smirks "she's pregnant" Kiri says "uh that's not your business" he says "so she is" she says "well is it Seonghwa's" she asks and Jongho has the urge to say no. He wants to claim the baby as his but he can't. "Like I said before that's not your business and please go" Jongho says to the girl "fine, fine I'll go" she says walking back to her car.

Once she's in her car she calls someone to tell the news to.

Did y'all watch bang bang con? I'm so tired from it but I don't regret a second of it. Anyways stay safe, and I love you!!!

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