Ch 45

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"Sorin" Yunho says "in this room I am Mrs. Park" I say Yunho laughs "okay then Mrs.Park" Yunho says sitting across from me at my work room desk "do you really have a framed picture of seventeen next to another framed picture of Seonghwa and Mi Sun" Yunho says I look towards the pictures and smile "of course" I say

"so Mr. Jeong how long were you married to Mila Dorrough" I say sounding professional "almost 2 years" Yunho says "okay and how long have you two been divorced" I ask "about a year" Yunho says I nod taking down notes "what was the reason for divorce Mr. Jeong" I ask "I told the court it was because we continuously argued but that was a lie" Yunho says "then what is the truth" I says "Mila is abusive I tolerated her as long as I could but I gave up when she tried to hit Raeyoo" Yunho says I nod. On the inside I want to hug Yunho but I need to be professional. "Do you have proof of these actions" I ask he nods "I have security camera footage" Yunho says "okay make sure to have that ready for court last question for now...... why wasn't custody of Raeyoo sorted out when you first divorced" I ask the last question "because Mila didn't want Raeyoo at the time so I kept him" he says I nod. It shocks me that his divorce lawyer didn't handle who has legal custody of Raeyoo. "Mrs. Park" Yunho says "yes" I say "thank you for helping me" Yunho says "no problem" I say


After feeding Mi Sun I sit back down at my desk and stare blankly at the envelope. It's from my dad, I don't know if I should be afraid or relieved. Maybe it has the answers Hyunjin wants maybe it's a whole letter of my dad telling me how much he hates my guts. Eventually I'll have to read it so I open it.

Hello Sorin, it's your father obviously. I made this letter for you to read after I die. I need to tell you that you have a younger brother. I cheated on your mother, with his mom. Your brothers mom at the time was having an affair with me before getting engaged with her boyfriend, so she left me. I found out who your brother is, he's quite a success an idol actually. Hard to believe isn't it. His name is Hwang Hyunjin, he's in a group called Stray Kids. Hopefully you find him and tell the boy I doubt he'll believe you though.

I attended your college graduation. I watched as you walked and received your diploma, so your a lawyer. I heard those make a lot of money. I'm guessing the man you hugged and kissed at your graduation is your loved one. He's quite handsome. I want to apologize for being such a horrible father. How shameful of me to not apologize in person. I'm proud of you Sorin.

I hold back tears once I finish reading the letter. Was he really at my graduation? I should tell Hyunjin what I found out. I tell Seonghwa where I'm going and then leave my house. Hyunjin said he's at break at JYP so I make my way there.

"So my mom was having an affair with my real dad while dating my nonbiological dad but then stopped when my mom got engaged" Hyunjin says I nod "you finally got your answers" I say "Hyunjin lunch- Sorin" Minho walks in at stares at me "hey" I say "hi" Lee Know says I look at Hyunjin who is rolling his eyes at Lee Know "can I help you" Hyunjin ask's Minho "lunch is here" Minho says "I'll go right now" Hyunjin says. Minho nods before leaving "want to join us" Hyunjin offers "no thank you I'm not hungry" I say "okay I'll walk you to your car" Hyunjin offers (I was taught, while growing up to always accept what is offered to you even if you don't want it or else it's rude, maybe that's just my family)

I finally get back home and before I open the door I find a note taped to it. I pull the note down from the door and read it.

San I found you again, I should've know you would end up here. I'll ruin her house like I did yours.....

I enter my house and look for San I find him decorating pop tarts while talking cutely to Mi Sun while Seonghwa cringes at the whole scene. "Why do you look shocked" Seonghwa ask's I hand San the note and Seonghwa looks over San's shoulder to see. San looks up at me with a afraid look "who is it" I ask "I think it's Lina" San says.

What's wrong with San, Yunho, Jongho and Seonghwa for being in a relationship with crazy bitches! Lina robbed San, Mila abused Yunho, Nara lied to Jongho about him being a father and Kiri kidnapped Mi Sun from me and Seonghwa.

I got a call earlier from Jackie and said Hongjoong is recovering incredibly fast, which is amazing to hear. I also got a call from Hyunjin asking me to accompany him to the JYP entertainment company party which I obviously agreed to go with Hyunjin. Each group that works under JYP gets to invite a relative to the party so Hyunjin invited me. I feel special or should I say YOU MAKE ME FEEL SPECIAl! jyp just hire me, put me in Twice!

So I bought a new eyeshadow palette and I did a little something.... I want to show all of you so...... face reveal??

I apologize in advance for ruining your vision

Please be nice? 🥺

Your face in a few more scrolls

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Your face in a few more scrolls

Hehe I deleted the picture!

Last thing, I love you all so much! How was your week? Till the next chapter, byeee!

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