4- Even Mad

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"You know a girl is mad when she starts off her sentence with, 'it's funny how,' because there is a 99% chance that she doesn't find it funny."



"Look Courtney... there is something wrong with those Cullens."

"Oh, hell no!"

Bella and Mike both stepped back at my abrupt exclamation. I could tell that they were expecting a more civilized answer from me. But Cullen family was my first-day miracle, and Bella is not going to take that away from me.

"No..." My sister tried again. "No, not like that! i just mean that-"

We both turned in unison to look at Mike, who was standing there like an awkward golden retriever.

I raised my eyebrow. "Why are you here?" I asked, the words coming out sharper then I originally intended. Mike flushed, but stood still. "I just-" He began, but stopped when Bella smiled at him. "It's okay Mike, you can go."

He smiled back at Bella like a love sick puppy. "I'll call you."

Bella seemed to wince as Mike walked away. "Will do."

I rolled my eyes. "Knew friend?"

"Looks like it."

We stood there for a moment, just staring at each other, until Bella spoke up. "Do I smell bad?"

I was taken aback by the question. "What? No."

Bella blushed, and I narrowed my eyes at her. "Why?"

"Because, Edward Cullen is in my biology class, and when I walked past him, he held his nose and shut his eyes."

I barked out a laugh against my better judgment. "I don't know, Bella! Maybe he is allergic to your perfume or something, you don't immediately need to jump to the most outrageous conclusion you can think of!"

"But It wasn't only that!" She continued. "I mean, look at them! They are all so unbelievably gorgeous, and when you were sitting with them, Jasper kept looking at you like you were..." She swallowed, "His next meal."


The rest of the day seemed to hurry by, much quicker then I anticipated, like the world was mocking me: You have to go home soon, suck it, Courtney!"

That was, until my knight in shining silk appeared.

I had my headphones stuck in my ears as I walked to my locker, the hallway full of kids shamelessly stared. They seem to think that Bella and I are the coolest things since sliced bread. But now, they think of Bella as the 'hot new girl,' whilst I am the 'weirdo who hangs out with the Cullen's. I keep my gaze ahead of me, stare if you want, I like the Cullen's and if one of these prejudice assholes makes a quip at me, I'll punt them all the way to Alaska.

I opened my locker, Halsey still playing in my ears, when I felt a little tap on my shoulder. I turned around and had to look down to meet the eyes of Jessica, the girl from English. She smiled at me, and I immediately knew that this wasn't going to be a pleasant exchange. I took my earbuds out and pocketed my phone, cocking an eyebrow.


Jessica's smirk seemed to widen. "You're Courtney Swan, Bella's sister." She pointed out, and I raised my hand. "Guilty."

"Yeah, I need to share something with you." She gestured for me to lean down, so I did, just to humor her. But what she whispered in my ear rendered me temporarily speechless.

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