21- Roll With It

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"Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives."




"Fucking shit."

A short, pink haired girl shoved her way through a hospital, opening the door of a room with enough force to break a million bones.

"Oh my God." Her hand flew to her mouth as she took in the scene in front of her. Nearly the entire Cullen family were gathered on the uncomfortable seats on a hospital bed. They all weren't supposed to be in there, but they got too since their dad works at the hospital.

Courtney Swan lay on the bed, her hair fanned around her head like a halo, various tubes attached to her arms. She looked too pale, and her lips were down turned like she was having a bad dream. Jasper Hale was at her side, holding her hand in his and pressing his lips against her skin. He hates hospitals, everyone knows, but nothing matters to him right now other then the girl on the bed.

"Oh, um, hey." The newcomer waved awkwardly, not exactly knowing how to react to her newfound knowledge of the world. She was staring at a room full of blood sucking mythical beasts.

"You're all... super hot."

A few of the Cullen's managed weak chuckles at the girls straight forwardness, Rosalie taking note at how Alice's lips parted slightly when the other girl walked in. Suddenly the whole smelling the pillows thing made sense.

"Is she okay?" Sadie asked, her eyes widening in concern at the girls opinion.

"She just almost killed plus stabbed with a small blade, but yeah she's fine." Rosalie elbowed Emmett's stomach, at the same moment Alice reached over to smack the back of his head. Sadie managed a weak smile.

"She got a concussion once playing baseball-"

"Yeah with that Bitch Kelly Davidson."

"She was a bitch." Sadie Michaels mumbled, "she was in the hospital, and the first thing she said when she woke up was that she wished she had hit her harder."

"Why?" Alice asked, keeping her eyes on the girl. She was entranced by the way the dyed pink strands around her head floated, and how the bandage around her head probably meant she wasn't supposed to be here.

"Wanted to have to wear a bandage, like this I guess-" She self consciously pulled a strand of her hair. "Said it would make her look bad ass."

"She is bad ass." Emmett muttered. "She jumped right on him, managed to knock him over."

"I know. I feel bad. I should've done something."

"You couldn't have." Alice jumped in, standing up, and then immediately sitting back down next to Rosalie, "I mean, you didn't know anything about this, it would have been confusing as well as scary for you."

"I thought it would be." Sadie blushed deeply, and the fairy-like Vampire wished more then anything Edward was here to say what she was thinking. "But none of you are scary... except for you-" She pointed at Emmett, who laughed loudly. "And, you." She pointed to Rosalie, who smirked in satisfaction, leaning back into her husbands embrace.

"Still super hot though, like damn." She whistled through her teeth. "I may be super gay, but that much is obvious."

"She shouldn't have gone." Jasper muttered, still staring holes into her head, as if his emotion control could will her awake. He had snapped at Alice right after, reprimanding her for letting Courtney go on her own. He wasn't really mad though, just scared and overwhelmed.

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