34- Tomorrow

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"You can't blame gravity for falling in love."

-Albert Einstein


"Oh thank God."

As soon as Bella, Edward, and Alice exited the plane, my arms wrapped around the male vampire. He seemed shocked at first, but then hugged back, rubbing my back soothingly.

"You suck." I deadpanned, and Edward grinned slightly as I turned and flounced back to Jasper's side. He hasn't let go of me this entire time, like he thinks I am just an illusion and will disappear if he let's go. I am not complaining, I kind of feel the same.

"The Volturi know about Courtney." Alice announced, her face grave. "They heard about her unusual, um, strength."

"Do they know that I used that strength to beat up a werewolf?"

Jasper turned to look down at me, an alarmed look on his face. "What?"

I brushed it off, "He totally deserved it."

"We talk about that later. For now we have bigger problems on our hands." Carlisle spoke up, his voice full of wisdom. "Alice?"

"They-" She paused, wincing slightly. "They say that they have to turn. Both of them. I-I see Bella turning, but I don't see anything with Courtney."

I bit my lip, grimacing. "That's okay." And it was. Sure, being a vampire and never dying would be super cool, but if it isn't a part of my future, it isn't a part of my future. It's kind of bumming, but I guess it'll be fine.

"I see you as a vampire." Alice paused, a look of severe confusion crossing over her pretty face. "But I-I don't see how you turn. It's like a big, blank space in my sight."

I shrugged, leaning further into Jasper's side. "Split second decisions, right?"

"I guess." Alice shrugged, but she still looked uneasy.

"Can we talk about how bad you smell?" Emmett pointed at Bella and I, wrinkling his nose. "Like, wet dog. Ew."

"Offended." I mumbled, looking up at Jasper. "Even if you think I smell bad, you can't get rid of me."

"That's okay, love."

"I think we have had enough of this talk for today." Carlisle advised. "Let's go home."


I wasn't expecting to see Paul Lahote today.

I especially wasn't expecting to see Paul Lahote when Jasper Hale was in my immediate vicinity.

We had pulled up to my house, just Jasper and I, which was kind of weird because I never knew he had a car. Apparently he does, and I am ninety percent sure it costs more then my entire life savings.

Jasper's nose immediately scrunched up, and I sighed deeply when we saw his large figure. I turned to Jazz. "Hey, it's Paul, I can go by myself, or-"

"Nah." Jasper shook his head. "I'll come... say hi."

"You're so Texan."

"I put the yee in the haw."

I snorted, laughing silently at my boyfriends dumbness, hopping out of the car. Paul turned right when my feet hit the ground, grinning and jogging over. "What up cliff diver?"

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