55- Justification

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"Everything is theoretically impossible until it is done."

-Robert A. Heinlein 


Instead of helping me up, a variety of people just stared at me from above the bed, like I was some super interesting zoo animal. The first thing that I noticed was that my eyesight was better, but not in the way I imagined it to be, just like edges were sharper, curves were softer. 

 And I couldn't feel pain. No pain came from my neck, and when I looked down at my skin, I saw that it was as pale as the Cullen's, but it felt softer, more real. 

 "What the actual hell." Muttered, taking into account how weird my voice sounded. Not different really, just... smoother. "Am I in hell? Did I die?" 

There was a moment of confused silence, until it was broken by everyone beginning to talk at once, and Jasper drop to his knees at a speed I shouldn't have been able to follow, wrapping his arms around and hugging me so tight it should have been like, fatal. I took a second for my new mind to process everything, before I exhaled in relief and hugged him back. 

 We didn't pull away for what felt like an eternity, but I didn't want too. I wanted tp stay like this, relishing in my being alive, I don't want to face the harsh reality of his world. 

 "I thought I lost you." He whispered, his voice quiet, but it sounded like he was speaking normally. "I thought you were dead." 

 "Hey," I pulled away so I could use my newfound sight to drink in the sight of his face, only now noticing a little scar just above his left eyebrow. "If you thought you were getting rid of me that easy, you're sadly mistaken." 

 He leaned in, and pressed his lips to mine. It felt like our first kiss all over again, the same giddy feeling in the stomach, the same way my heart skipped a beat-

 Wait, what? 

 I gasped, a sharp pain running up my chest for only a split second. Followed by a warm heat that wasn't there before. Jasper's eyebrows furrowed, and I sucked in a breath, holding a pale hand to my now-beating heart. 

 "Just as I thought." I looked up to see Carlisle's face staring down at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Courtney, may I speak with you a second." 

 "Hold on, man." Sadie defended, and together, her and Alice pushed Jasper aside, helping me to my feet and embracing me together. "Thank the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen." Sadie muttered, and Alice stood up to kiss both of my cheeks. "I am so glad you are okay, Court." 

 I wasn't exactly sure what to say, as I had roughly zero clue what happened while I was out. "Yeah, it's good to be back." 

  Before anyone could say anything else, Emmett bounded forward like the big puppy dog he was, scooping me up in his arms like I weighed nothing. A laugh escaped my throat, and I fought the urge to slap a hand over my mouth at the weird way it sounded. 

 "Hey Cordie, lookin' hot." 

 "Feelin' weird." I looked around, at my hands, that seemed to be dusting pink again, and a piece of my hair, which thankfully, looked the exact same. "What's going on?" 

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