11- At Least

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"Sisters make the best friends in the world."

-Marilyn Monroe


"Adrenaline rush."

I looked up at Bella, who barged into my room as I was watching more conspiracy theory videos about vampires. "What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"That's what Edward said it was, adrenaline rush."

I shook my head, automatically shutting my laptop. "No, if it was adrenaline, he would have two broken arms if he really did push that van back." I cursed under my breath, "why are they lying to us?"

Bella shrugged. "I don't know."

"I would say that we are being crazy. But when I was with Jasper did I realize what we are dealing with. They are all so pale, weird eyes, and inhumanly attractive. I would say it's a family thing... but Jasper and Rosalie are adopted..."

Bella's eyes widened with every word I said. "Wait, shut the door." I beckoned for Bella to come sit on the bed. Once she was, words burst ut of my mouth. "I think they might be vampires."

"Vampires?" Bella repeated incredulously. "Honestly?"

"I know, I know, it seems crazy! But I borrowed this book from Angela, and it is crazy." I dug the heavy book from my bed, flipping to the dog-eared page. "Listen to this: Vampires in the middle ages were spotted quite often around central Italy. If you looked at them from a glance, you wouldn't see anything unusual. Unless you saw their eyes, their glowing, blood red eyes."

Bella shifted her weight. "How does that explain anything about the Cullen's?"

"Just listen! I remember what Leo told me-"

"Who's Leo?"

"One of the characters! Shh! He said that you can look out for a potential bloodsucker by looking out for certain characteristics. Disappearing when the sun is high in the sky, as it dry's out their bodies, mysterious good looks. Actually, his exact words were "look out for their faces, pale, defined cheekbones, glowing teeth with well-hidden fangs. Rosy red lips, and so damn gorgeous all you want to do is stare at them all day." But the most prominent feature is their eyes. A vampire can hide their ruby orbs, by bending the atmosphere to make them look blue, green, or yellow."

I lifted my eyes to meet Bella's. "See?"

Bella grabbed the book, looking at the cover. "Who wrote this?"

"Probably J.R Tolkien, but we don't have time for that!"

Bella sighed deeply, "Court, this seems ridiculous."

"So does Edward pushing the van around, but look where we are now!"

I stood up, walking out. "Just, think about it."

I re-entered my room. "This is my room."


"Courtney knows." Edward Cullen stormed into the Cullen house, pointing at Jasper, who was playing chess with Emmett. "Huh?" The blond vampire replied, making a careful move and lulling Emmett into a false sense of security. "Stop doing that." The bigger boy growled.

"No, guys, Courtney knows about us."

In the blink of an eye, all of the Cullen's were in the big room, Alice by the doorway, her eyes wide, Carlisle and Esme by the grand bookcase, and Rosalie next to Alice, fury dancing in her eyes.

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