27- Those Kids

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"Why should I have a heavy heart? Why should I start to break in pieces? Why should I go and fall apart for you?"

-Laura Dreyfuss


Jacob's garage has become my second home. I spend more time in La-Push then I do at my own home... and I had a very hard decision to make today.

I didn't even try to hide the tears running down my cheeks as I pulled my hair into a loose ponytail. It was the middle of the night, and I figured I would only have a matter of minutes until Bella woke up. Slowly, I lifted up Jasper's hoodie to my face and inhaled deeply, remembering the scent of cinnamon that lingered on the fabric. The key to healing. Embracing.

So I slowly lifted my arms and threw it into the back of my closet.

My hands trembled as I reached up to unclasp the necklace that still rested on my neck. I gently pressed my lips to the cold heart, and shut it into a drawer.

A soft sob scratched at my throat as I looked in the mirror on my wall. I can do this. I have too.

I gently brought the scissors up to the base of my neck, my lips trembling as I gripped my ponytail in my hand. One snip.

But why does it hurt so bad?


There. It was done.

A ring of my hair fell to the ground tomorrow, and I out the scissors down and clutched my hand to my stomach as I sobbed. I don't want to do this. But I have too. I have too.

My freshly-cut hair swished around my neck as I picked up the necklace Jake gave me on my eighteenth birthday. I reached up to re-clasp it around my neck, the twine resting against my sternum. I took a deep breath, staring into the mirror with a burning intensity, and slowly leaned over to touch the window, whispering one last thing before falling into silence.

"I am, a bad ass."


"I seriously love it!" Eric exclaimed the next day, making an effort to stroke my hair as creepily as he possibly could. I swatted his hand away, just for Mike to mimic the action.

"Yeah, all you need to do is shave it off, and it would look half-decent."

I cracked a smile at that, while Angela reached over to smack Jessica's arm.

"At least my hair isn't forming it's own society."

Eric chuckled. "Burn."

"Shut up, Eric." Jessica grumbled, pulling a face. It's funny that we are pretty much the closest out of everyone at the table. Where is Tyler anyway?

"Guys, I know you don't believe me, but I did see something in the woods!" Angela cried, bringing up the topic we were previously discussing. Eric leaned over to kiss her cheek. "I believe you, baby."

"No you don't." I rolled my eyes, Jessica finishing my though. "You're just trying to get lucky."

"It was jet-black and huge-"

"Like Jessica's hair!"

"And on all fours it was still taller then a person! A bear maybe?" Angela chewed her lip thoughtfully.

"Or an alien, you're lucky you didn't get probed." Mike pitched in, causing Eric to laugh and me to roll my eyes. These guys are so dumb I sometimes question how they don't fall down more.

"Well I saw it!"

"You're not the only one."

We all whipped our heads around, and there she was, in all her glory. Bella smiled sheepishly, coming over to take a seat in between Mike and I, an action that didn't go unnoticed by the boy. "Our dad's been getting reports at the station. Like, five hikers have been killed by some bear. But they can't find the bear."

"Hmm." Angela looked over to her boyfriend, and they shared a look, the same look I shot Jessica.

Hey, Bella's back.

"Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend."

"Who you callin' a clown surfer boy?" I challenged, and he grinned sheepishly, leaning his head on top of Angela's.

I mouthed a rather aggressive Date Ben, to Jess, and she nodded ferociously.

Bella and Mike had a hushed conversation, while I scooched over to Jessica's side. I leaned over to whisper in her ear. "Let's stage that intervention."


"Hey guys, do you all want to go see 'Face Punch'?"

I shared a look with the girl next to me, scoffing slightly. "Excuse me, but whoever named that deserves to be fired and ridiculed."

"Yo, Court, Mike, remember we watched that trailer it was all like-" Eric mimicked punching the air. "Face punches-"

"Okay correction, you deserve to be fired and ridiculed."

"Yeah! Move night with Bella!" Jessica exclaimed, obviously remembering our whole previous movie incident.

"Can I invite Sadie?"

"No!" Eric pouted, "last time I saw her she pushed me off a bench and made fun of my hair!"

"Look, it's not my fault you have bad balance and dumb hair!"


"Dude! I am not fourth wheeling with you, Mike, and Jake!" I exclaimed. "Plus, I also told Jess that we could binge the High School Musical trilogy!"

"Come on!" She pursued as I shrugged my hoodie on. "I don't want to--"

"Jake could beat up Mike, and I want to watch those movies and challenge Disney to convince me that Ryan isn't gay!"

Bella pulled a face. "He totally is... but what about Sadie?"

I shrugged. "She got that stomach flu."

"Fine!" She gave in, pouting. "Fine, but I am telling Jake that you blew us off."

"Go ahead."

And with that, I turned and walked outside where Jessica's car was waiting.

A/N: Short filler! Hope you like it! 

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