47- Onomatepoeia

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"A toast to the groom, to the bride, from your sister, who is always by your side!"

-Renee Elise Goldsberry, Hamilton


"On a scale from one to ten, how much do you like this one?" 

 I came out in yet another wedding dress, spinning around and striking a pose. Alice sighed. 

 Bella is getting married tomorrow! So, for Alice's sake, we are trying to take her mind off of her wedding, by talking about my wedding!

 (It makes a lot of sense in my head.)

 "A six." 

 "A seven."

 "A two." 

 "A zero!" 

 "So we all know who the mean couple is." I rolled my eyes, pointing to Sadie and Alice. 

 Yes! Sadie is okay, Sadie is alive and well! Vampire, but great! I may or may not have cried when she first came home, golden-eyed, but solid and real. 

 I have never seen Alice so happy. 

 "You call us mean, I call us honest." Alice playfully batted her eyelashes at me, as Sadie wrapped an arm around her small shoulders. "Do you want to look bad for your wedding night?" 

 "It's not like Jasper is gonna care." Rose smirked, crossing her arms. "He'll be too jazzed to notice." 

 "Ha, jazzed." Bella laughed softly to herself, before instantly blushing and slouching. I snorted.

 "I don't care, I want to look good, considering the fact that I never get to dress up." I turned, grabbed a random pearly white dress, and disappeared back into the changing room. It was simple, but pretty. It wasn't super layered, which I enjoyed, and had little flower decors running up the gown, that fell to my feet. The top fell off my shoulders, twisting down into a light, see-through sleeve. I stepped out nervously, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. 

 Alice gasped super dramatically, jumping up and running to my side. She lifted one arm, then the other, instructing me to twirl around. She literally squealed, jumping up and down, clapping like an excited teen. 

 (Which I guess is technically what she is.)

"I love it! I love it!"

 "Yeah, " Rose stood up, circling me once like a predator. "Hot." 

 "It's beautiful, Court." Bella flashed me two thumbs up. 


 Sadie leaned back as Alice, Bella, and Rose all reached over to slap her. She giggled, swatting them away. "I'm just kidding! Jeez, you make one joke and all of a sudden you're abused." 

 Sadie suddenly shifted her eye color, so it was a deep black. She spoke in a deep voice. "It is simply precious." 

 "Jesus-" I took a step back, as Sadie cackled and Alice reprimanded her. Sadie's newfound power isn't exactly ideal for others. You know that thing from Harry Potter, where some people can change their appearance by will? That's like what Sadie can do, only, not whole face, just features. Like eyes, lips, hair, etc. 

 It is fucking terrifying. 

 "Final votes..." 

 "Yes." Bella raised her hand. Rosalie grinned. 

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