Chapter 2

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Emily...Emily...Emily my love. Emily are you alright? Are you okay? You look very tired and pale. And what are you doing on your desk writting something. Father said while putting his hand onto my shoulder,i have been calling you.

Yes dad i am okay,i was just having some thoughts and i want to write them. Yeah i am okay..i said as i starting to close the things.

You've been acting differently,you are always a lively girl. Is something bothers you or can ask me easily okay.

Wow his eyes are so sweet like dripping honey sweet... i thought,he would do anything for his daughter huh unlike mines well i don't get time to spend with them because they died in an accident as my father was drunk and driving on the christmas night being hit by a truck. I still remember it due to some bullshit people talking about like this is thier own problem or something.
My mother always goes into the clubs to hit parties cuz she got married at a very young age and did not do anything... Ahh these memories.
Perhaps living like this can be peace for me perhaps in this life i can be loved by everyone. He hugged me very warmly,i can smell his warm scent it really soothes me.

Ohh i have some good news, i was going to tell you on the dinner but i think this is the right time, dad said.your uncle Lee Song is coming tonight to see you he got worried as you brother told him about you. And the good news is that there is also someone coming along with him to see you, now go get ready and come to the guest room they will be there when you've come.

He told me and then left,Lee Song uncle.....hmm....hmm...Ahhhh so he is the Emily's uncle who is the CEO of SM music company in korea. He loved Emily so much because he is the one emily said his name at babies first try!!woah well good and there is someone else but who i cant tell because there is nothing in emily's memories. Well whatever i should get ready and go down, i should not let them wait as he is my precious uncle though.
Okay let see what to wear,i said as i opened my closet. I choosed black jeans aummer pants and white shirt and tied my haira did a very little make like lipgloss and some other but there is alot in her closet fancy,casual,party wear and etc
There is a butler outside my room waiting for me.
As i go downstairs there is a big room on the left of the stairs. The room called guest room there is a small bar on the one corner,as i walk in there is a big portrait of me infront of me there is a nice view we can see at night in here and day as well but as i seeing the whole room standing at one place my eyes goes stuck to the one person,our eyes met and i divert them in hurry as i started to get blush. He is the leader of the group called Shinee. I know them cause i always listen to thier songs woah holy moly.... i thought
But there is no memory of Emily about them maybe they never met and this is thier first meeting.
Come here Emily,dad says to me as he lift his hand to escort me.
Hello uncle,how are you and hows your work going?.... i asked very deligently

My dad and my uncle starred at me like i said something wrong but what.

Ahh lee soo you know she was  ill and we almost lost her,the doctors said that it will take sometime to regain her memories. She still is not perfectly fine but she will get.

My uncle looked at me with a sad look on his face and told me that i am very precious for her as i looked exactly like her sister which is my mother.

Hey! How are you?i heard from your uncle that you was very ill and you almost lost the battle but its great to see you back, the guy said
I am sorry,i almost forgot to introduc-

Its okay,i cut and thank you for your great visit i said.
Wow wow wow its amazing what should i do calm down or what he is the leader i can never met him before but this is golden time for me okay should i behave like adult or childish i think boys like adult type or cute or maybe sexy type but now i need to maintain my composure...i tjought and i became normal,i continued what i was saying.

Yeah i know who you are,you are the leader of Shinee boyband group and very popular among the world. You must be Onew right.... i said looking in his eyes making a straight eye contact and giving a great cute vibe for our first meeting.

Yes you are do you know the other members?onew said with a big smile on his face as usual.

Of course i know,as i nodded

Ofcourse she is your greatest fan she love your song very much. Dad said
Well that is very great is'nt it onew,uncle said as he looked at me you guys are loved by our  lovely daughter.

Dad why don't you talk to uncle about the matters he is here,please don't waste his time he is a busy man you know right i looked at my dad as i know the memory of emily that he always is busy,
Oh yeah... dad said as he ordered the butler to bring something.
Wanna go outside.. i said gathering my courage to not to get rejected on this to him.

Yeah okay,he stand up and gave me his hands gesture after you treating me like a lady.

The Reason Emily Ended Up As The Manager Of A BoybandWhere stories live. Discover now