Chapter 27

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Emily's poV
Jane's past life
We are to inform you guys,that king of syncronization 'seventeen' they just got into an accident. Fortunately no member is physically or mentally injured but unfortunately their pet 'tiger' which was basically hoshi's, has lost it battle. Hoshi amd of course everyone is traumatized by thier sudden accident. I hope they will be fine.
We are here to give them our love,please subscribe to my channel for futher details......

I know that thier pet died but........wait its was when they all got into an accident......yeah but why didn't i knew it before. But according to news it was all same,the place,the time but how could it be happening now. DOES THE FUTURE CHANGE!!?.

Suddenly i felt a cold that making my eyes open and sit to straight. I looked around and i see joshua,vernon who's holding the ice pack. My eyes darted on myunghao and hoshi. Oh yeah i was knocked out by Mr.Hoshi.

Nothing is going good between us,everything is turning into a mess,he's just.....ugh i shake my head.

"Emily we are sorry" joshua bowed down and i looked at him in confusion. Of course its not his fault nor vernon but why is he bowing down.

I hugged him and vernon"i am alright,don't worry and its not your fault at all" i said.

"And you both...yahhhhh!!"i yelled to them as they were not looking at me.

"Never to fight again......any of you or else i'll leave you guys" i smiled at them and pulled them in a hug also.
I know, i should let this slide for once but if they did it again....i will smack them what i learned in my past life. Aishhhh this is just too much to handle.

"Wait what about tiger?" I pulled them back and looked them nervously,praying that what I saw in my past life is all wrong.

"He is in good condition now,members are gonna take him back with them" joshua explained.

"Ahh hyung,now emily's awake should we have our dinner now,i am so hungry" vernon whinned.

"me too~" i said "but i wanted to eat hoshi and the8 cooked meal".

"Emily,you should not" vernon said in horror.

"Why?" I looked at joshua and he also shake his head.

"Once they were making something and almost burned the whole kitchen" joshua said.

"And mingyu hyung gave them a long lecture afterwards" vernon added.

I laughed but when i wanted to see thier expression,they were already downstairs.

"Lets hurry now,before a disasterhappen" joshua said and we all went down.

Joshua went to help them while vernon goes to take a shower and of course i am also gonna rake a shower.
I goes to my room telling them that i'll be in my room,call me when its ready. I opened the closet and choose some light clothes but not my sleeping pajamas coz seungcheol banned me wearing my pajams and roaming around the dorm. I then goes to take shower.

After taking a relaxing shower,i grab the dryer and dried my hair. My hairs getting long and i didn't notice it. I looked in mirror,my cheek is not that much swollen thank goddness,its healing faster or else its gonna create a mess.

My phone ringged and i jumped on my bed for checking,who is it.
I got message from Alex
Hey emily!what are u doing? I am bored here,dad and me missing you. Make sure to come home once we are back. Sleep and eat well.oppa love you.

      Hey! I just took a shower and about to sleep. Do your work properly and not to trouble dad. Of course i will once you are back i am also missing dad not you. You too. I love u too.

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