Chapter 4

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(Onew's POV)
I just can't stop thinking about her.

She's been in my mind for past 2 weeks and i've no idea why. I think all the boys also think she is pretty and very much attractive.

If i think about her she is so much different from other girls she maybe a teen but its its her eyes that give off some adult and responsible look. She is very kind though and her tone of speaking is very formall even if she talking informally. Though we don't talk too much only two,three question maybe.

It something that made me to think about her daily,whenever i thought of her holding her into my arms or listening to her breath if she is breathing or not or i even get slapped by her its all just addictive and want to touch her more.

She is still to young but it still refreshing she knew about all our songs.

She is gorgeous. Her blonde hair perfectly match with her big red eyes her lips and chubby red cheeks so matched with all of her looks. Her slim body i can feel her wieght as i lifted her up.

I still remembered when she walks in and looked around all the things that she don't know even her big portrait she looked it like something is wrong like she is totally a different person but then she jumped when she see me her cheeks get pink to red when our eyes met. I want to squeeze her also want to see her new expressions. I hope we meet soon and i also want to introduce to everybody well see.

(Emily's POV)
I guess its been 2 weeks after meeting him. There are many preparations going  because my brother is coming back for summer breaks well its a good thing i woke up in summer break as i've got so much time to settle down.

Brother Alex is coming i should prepare something for him also to happy him as he is overly obsessed with me "so what should i do? Lets ask dad about what kind of things he like"

"Mr james whew is dad?"i asked

"He is in his office,let me take you there" he held his hand out to escort me

"Thank you Mr james"i replied

"James" he said

"James"i questioned.

"I mean you can call me james like you always say" he tried to make me comfort like he is always treat me like her daughter.

"Mhmm okay,i am very gratefull to have you though"i smiled.

Knock knock...

Yes you may come in james,oh  emily is also with you what is it my love and how wonderful to see you here.

"Dad,i am thinking about giving something to brother as he is coming tonight but i don't know what to do so i came, is it okay or should i leave" i polietly asked.

Come here and sit you are always welcome here anytime okay you are my one and only how come i have not a single time to spend with you. So you were thinking of giving him a gift right.

"Yes,he is always worried for me so i want to thank him"

Well he'll get crazy because its a first gift he will be receiving from you. You've changed in a very good way my love. So i think whatever it is he will be happy and you need some money as well to buy it right.

"Nope dad i don't need any money cuz i already have them please don't spoil me too much,it will be dangerous for me"i said"then please excuse me dad"

Yes of course have a fun day and don't get hurt. Mr james don't you think she is behaving like her mother very well behaved changed also.

"Yes sir you are right,she became very delighted as well,then i'll take my leave sir".

Brother came and we had a dinner together after a very long time i felt this happiness,my heart feel relaxed. I gave him a new headphone set as well as a necktie with shawn mendes printed on it and gave him a sketch of him me and dad. He almost cried. It was a wonderfull night we all talk late at night. My dad told us some of our childhood stories. This ones i like the most

My brother was 10 and i was 5. We were playing at the garden and he does not know that i am a girl  and he thought i am his brother and then one day when i was bathing with him he suddenly started crying and came out and said to my dad that i am not his  brother,he is different from me all naked out infront of my dad's bunch of friends and they laugh and he was crying after that he got obsessed how cute i am or whatever.

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