chapter 6

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He took me upstairs with him to introduce me with others. "The weather looks bad right maybe dad is not coming back"

"Its alright,once you enter in our practice room you no longer hear any sound okay feel free"onew looked back at me with warmth.

"okay good"i said. Does he know,i don't think so well whatever my head really hurts right now i made a bad mistake coming here all the way,when will mr james coming i want to go home and see dad and my brother.

"We are here,come on"he said as he opened the door.

"Hey guys what's up how the practice is going ,sorry for the coming late here i bring someone with me"onew said"she is lee soo man's niece".

Of course i know everyone already because of my past life."i know you all,umm nice to meet you"i hide behind the onew,its my first time meeting them i am so gratefull. The black coloured hair with the taller look is minho,the youngest among them is taemin,the one who is very excited and have white colour of his hair is jonghyun and the last who is glarring at me is key with curly short hair.

"Hey,do you know me right but its all right if you don't i am jonghyun the universal girls lover teehee"

"Hey i am taemin"

"Hy me minho nice to meet you"

"Key my name is key now-

Someone interfer
"So whats your name cutei pie"jonghyun asked winking at me making a move at me.

"Oh,yes hello my name is emily hunt and i am 19 years old"i greet them but key is starring at me which me really nervous and then he started walking towards me i flinched and just past by me. Phew... that really is scary i've never seen him in reality. I looked at taemin our eyes met but he divert them he is shy at starting and puts on gaurd around strangers. Well me too
The rain started heavily and its making me even more comfortable. As the lightening struck i got scarred and grabbed onew's shirt tightly from behind so that others don't look.

He looked back at me and give me not to worry look. You bitch i can still hear it.

"Hey i think you should leave us now,we have a concert in coming day-

Someone again interfer.
"Don't mind him please he is just annoyed because of onew hyung for coming late"minho said assuring me.

"Its alright well he is late because of me as well i think i should just left"i said. I should be punching him in his face but he sure is famous i dont want to end up as a crazy bitch again like my past.

"Wa-wait yo-you just stay here and see our practice untill your uncle came back"taemin trying his best to stop me but still i am hurt and my head hurts as well. What if i collapsed here my healthy is slowly recovering but its still is not good.

They all went with him out the room to talk but i guess let him be more at ease maybe next tim-i felt dizzy whenever the lightening struck i got chills down in my whole body so i decided to go. I looked around but taemin's not here as i grabbed the knobe i heared something"she is just a mere fan why you all so obssessed with her she is here to point out something she must be scheming something and then she told her uncle"
"Hey calm down okay i bring her here and she is not like that".

I open the door walked past them covering my tearful eyes with my bangs.

"Emily stop listen to us its not like that"minho grabbed my wrist tightly so i cannot released from it jonghyun blocked my view but as soon he see my face he get flusttered and  i looked back"sorry for my act i hope you guys will consider it" and ran out of the company.

The rain i did not even think about the weather i hate it the most because that  woman poured fish sause on me and made a big fuss of me infront of whole class about stealing her phone.

I run without looking back and then i somehow managed to arrived at my home all drenching into water,i can barely breath all frustrated and my head still dizzy. My house is pretty near from the company. Mr james got astonished when he looked at me.

He order the other servants to take me to the room and after taking warm shower let me rest i am sure he is gonna tell dad. I cried at myself how i wanted to go back to my real life even if i am dead. I cannot face everything all of this is new. How emilys mother died, how i met someone today and told me you are back.....

I told everyone not to disturb me untill dad comes and all other.

"Hello everyone its me jun".

"Where is emily my sister"

Yeah where is she james?

"Let me inform her sir"
"Emily madam is not in her room sir"

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