Chapter 41

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The8 pov
"Hyung,I think something is missing,they are still not telling us the exact thing" i looked at jeonghan and joshua hyung.

"What do you mean?" Jeonghan hyung confusingly asked.

"They told that,leemin and emilys mother died in an accident but before emily met joshua hyung as well...this whole thing confusing..don't you think so?"

"Yeah it is but maybe it is true" jeonghan hyung shrugged.

"I should ask mom about this,maybe we can find something" joshua hyung suggested and i nodded.


No one pov
Leemin snapped out when she fall into his arms,her body freezing. She didn't opened her eyes on leemin commands. He looked at her small figure behind the beautiful white gown. Her face looks more pale,her lips still red and full. She is still beautiful.

Leemin stood up from the couch,taking her in his arms like a bridal style and making his to bedroom upstairs.
"Are you going to punish her again?" The little girl looked at him with eye full of tears and fear.

"Do I have to?" He asked with a straight face.

The little girl shook her head"No,mommy say when someone say sorry,you have to forgive".

Leemin smirked at her "I'll be back for dinner".
Putting Emily on the bed,he looked at her. He trailed his hand on to his face "do you think a kiss can cover for what you have done?". Leemin leaned closer to her "i never tried to touch them" he whispered. He pecked her before closing the door.

Emily pov
I woke up from the noises coming from the downstairs. My vision still blurry,i sat up,remembering what have i done yesterday.
I started feeling vomiting,my mouth became watery,i ran towards the bathroom. Gagged but nothing come out. Rinsing my mouth,washing my face.
I glanced in the mirror "emily you look horrible,what connections do you have with that bastard" i sighed walked out.

The door creaked open revealing leemin holding a tray again "you didn't eat anything,here I bring your favourite soup" putting tray beside the bed,holding the small bowl upto his chest. He
blow it and then put infront of my mouth,I looked at him. 'Why he is being so nice? He isn't gonna punish me' i thought.

"Have it" he starred at me with a straight face. I opened my mouth,gulping it down. "Good,now gulp it down,you have 2 minutes" handing me the bowl,he crossed his arms over his chest and start to look at me.

I did what he told me not in 2 minutes,it took only seconds to drink. The whole room went silent.
"We have some guest coming......he must be on his way...get ready" his lips twisted upwards.

"Can i ask something?" I looked back at him. He nodded his head. 'Why he is being gentle'

"Umm...who is coming?"

"You will see when he comes,anything else" he grab the tray. I looked at his back. I stand up from the bed. Suddenly he smashed the tray in the wall so hard that it broke into very small pieces. I can see the veins popping out from the back side of his hand and neck.

The shiver travel down my spine,sweat start to rush. He turned to me. I became terrified to see him in anger again. I freeze where i stood,i wanted to run but i can't.

"Why did you kiss me?" He spat without hidding the venom of his. Taking a step closer to me.

"I am sorry!!" I take a step back.

"Do you fear me?"

"I don't!!"

"Then why do you back away wwhenever i tried to get closer to you" he amusingly asked.

I am doomed now,there is no space left behind me. He moves a bit closer again and i fall onto the bed. He leaned closer to me inch by inch only a tiny space left. Suddenly his phone ringed. Taking it out from his pocket "yeah what?"
"Get ready my love,there are here,i'll be back in a minute" he whispered and then left.

I tried to stand but my legs give out and i fall on the bed. If it wasn't the phone i ended up as his prey.

After getting some energy,i goes to washroom,after bathing i changed my clothes and this time,it's this.

After getting some energy,i goes to washroom,after bathing i changed my clothes and this time,it's this

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No one pov
Leemin came back,entering in the room. Emily just came out as well. Leemin eyes trailed all the way down,examining her. Her bare shoulder gave him an unwanted eraction but he tried to hide desparately.

"Lets go" after saying he is already out of the room,he pressed his back to the wall trying to calm his rapid breathing he got from seeing emily's bare shoulders. He felt like his heart will explode. Now he wanted her more that cant be describe in words.

Emily followed him downstairs. He already set the whole thing. He told emily to sat on the chair which was placed right infront of the main door. The woman and his childs tied with the chairs beside her,infront of the couch.

"What is this?"

"This is a show my love,now be seated!!" He yelled at her. His smirk disappeared. He tied the emily with the chairs and a duct tape onher face preventing her to speak.

"Now everything is set,my place id behind the door with a gun" he placed himself the side of door.

Soon the slammed open,emily eyes widen and she gasped out seeing him

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