Chap 8

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I woke up,look around to see dad and brother but the room is dead silent only there is marie my maid.
"Miss,you are up finally. How are you feeling? Should i bring you some water"marie hurried over me.

I nodded.

Marie asked me to let everyone know that i am up and i nod again. I dont want to see them but i am feeling guilty i should just tell them and apologize for my behaviour.

I can see dad,brother and another person who must be jun standing there with different looks on thier face expressing thier feelings.

I got up from my bed goes to dad trumbleing in fear hold his hand and sorry come out from my mouth like hundered times,i don't know what to said more my mind went blank "I-I am so sorry dad and brother and every-everyone,I am so sorry
I am sorry-"

"Its alright,whatever happened tomorrow-its okay,you should not worry us"dad said.

"Yeah its alright you have your reason to do this but you promise us never to do it again okay"brother assured me.

They both pat me on my head and hugged me after everything settled down so easily it because they have thier own way to get information they must have know what happened.
Then they left and told me to have breakfast together. I know they are gonna introduce me to jun. After everything got settled i feel warmed in my house with my family.

"So emily,jun is here but why are you not interested,you always cling to him"dad told me laughing so hard.

"Sir,she is grown up now"jun added

"Well its not like that i am just excited to see him after breakfasf i want to go outside with jun can i?"
I asked shyingly,i knew they would not but still.

"Okay as long as you are okay with this and not to trouble"brother added again.

Thud...thud footstep getting louder
"Oh- look who is here its your uncle"dad welcomed him.

"I am sorry for everything happened tomorrow-

Dad cut him"we already know what happened and emily already know that its her fault to go there but its okay now as long as my daughter is safe".

"Yes you are right but still she is my sister'precious i am-

This time brother talked
"Its alright uncle you dont need to worry she is alright you are being to sensitive" brother gives him warm.

"And i have one thing more as we all know that emily is very much good no but amazing in her studies i want to become her manager for a boy bandgroup, because she was always telling me to and now there is oppurtunityso" uncle gave a big explanation.

Of course i also wanted it because i like kpop but how come after what happened tomorrow dad and brother will be against it.

"Dad i wanna do it please"i said without giving it second thought.

"Right now is not the time to talk about it soo man,let me think about it"dad expression suddenly changed.

I looked at brother with puppy eyes but he also diverted them,i looked at jun to say something but he shake his head also.

The Reason Emily Ended Up As The Manager Of A BoybandWhere stories live. Discover now