Chapter 37

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Wonwoo POV
We all came back to our house. We sat down in living room. Every member is upset,worried not knowing how to explain what they are feeling.
Jeonghan hyung sat beside me. I rubbed my hands all over my face in frustration.

"Don't worry,we'll find them" jeonghanie hyung put a hand on my shoulder. My head throbbed and i tilted my head back on the couch tears form in my eyes. I missed her smile. I miss her touch. I miss everyone. I wanted to hear her song.

"Hyung will they be alright?" Vernon asked.

"Yeah,they are all strong. Don't worry we will find them. Lets go sleep,tmr we have to talk with emily's family" woozi assured him or more likely us.

We all goes to our room but i walked to her room. The doors opened so i walked in.
"Wonwoo its going to be alright.okay" jeonghan hyung stoped when he see me.

"Hyung please,it will just take minutes. But please" my eyes again filled with tears and he nodded went to his room. Hyung is also disturbed.

I walked in her room,this is my first time coming into her room or its just a day we came here.
"I-I don't think I could live without her" I whispered and my voice cracked at the end. I sat down on her table. There's picture of us in a frame with her when she first met us at our fan meeting. Since emily came to my life everything changed, i start loving my life. I loved her having around me all the time.

I place my hand on my heart,clenching my shirt,i kneeled down on the ground. Its only a first day of missing them but I can't. My bond with hoshi start becoming good. I love it when joshua hyung teach me English. Seungcheol hyung and I start becoming more good. With dino,i played all around. Why it has to be them? Why dino? Why hyung?. Tears pricked my eyes. Rushing out,trailing down my cheeks. I laid down on her bed,closed my eyes to feel her scent.


Woozi POv

She is laying beside me,smiling at me. I looked at her. She smiled when she cupped my face. Her hands feel warm.
Suddenly her eyes filled with tear,her smile replaced with a terrified expression. She jumped out of my bed.
I reached my hand to her but she stepped back,as i am going to harm her.
"Emily....!" I softly asked.
But then a loud bang heard,she smiled weakly at me. Her white gown turned red as blood start rushing out from her chest. Theres a man behind her all in black. The only thing i can see a smirk on his face.

"Nooo!!!!!" I screamed,opened my eyes.

Mingyu jerking my body "hyung....woozi hyung".

"Where is emily? She was here? She's in pain?" I sat up asking histerically.

"Hyung!!! Hyung listen,calm down" mingyu start crying.

"What happened,we hear screams?" All the other member came.

"Woozi hyung must have seen a bad dream"mingyu wiped his tears.

"S-She is being shot h-he-here in h-her ch-chest in-infront of m-me" i cant speak,my throat seemed to be clogged. Tears stream down,soon they all give me a hug.
"She is in pain,seungcheol,joshua,hoshi and dino,everyone is in pain. Here we are doing nothing but to sit. I cant close my eyes,they appear smiling but t-then there smile fade away. Its terrifying" i cried as others.

We all felt helpless,without leaders,without our maknae,without our hyungs. Without her.

"I know its hard but don't worry,just have hopes" jeonghan hyung sniffeled.
I know its not time to cry. Come we all be sleeping in living room,together today. Jeonghan hyung suggested and we all followed him to living room.


Joshua PoV

We all stood there,everything is locked. Hoshi crying and screaming. Seungcheol is also crying,comforting hoshi. He took emily to a room.
What? Then what i am doing here? He can do anything to her? We need ambulance but all i hear is screams of Naeun coming from one of the room.

"He took her somewhere,but where,which room?" I looked around.
I walked towards a rooms but stopped halfway when leemin came out. My blood boiled to see him. He hung down his head,his hands covered with blood.

"What you did to her? Tell me you bastard" hoshi ran up to him grabbing him by his collars,screamed at him "I'll kill you,i'll kill you" hoshi screamed louder.

"I should have ordered them to kill you guys first but i cant do that because you are precious to my best friend jeonghan, and my fiancè" he released himself pushing hoshi away.

Fiancè? Emily?

"She is in stable condition,fortunately the bullet hit her side of stomach,she will wake up soon and thats all i can tell you about her" leemin washed his hand in kitchen.

"Please let us see her for once" i pleaded but he shook his head.

"No,you guys are useless to me. I can't let you guys in my way. The reason you are here is to be a witness of us" he snickerd.

Witness? For what?

"I am gonna kill you"hoshi grabbed the gun from the ground,pulling his trigger.

Is he serious,he cannot do that.

"Kill me huh!!!" Leemin laughed.

I looked at hoshi,the two men holding an injection behind him. Seungcheol is almost out.

"Bye to both of you" he waved and i struggeled but the two men more powerfull than me. Soon i balcked out as well,tear fell from my eyes.


Emily pov

I felt pain,trying to open my eyes but first time fail. Second time failed as well. I growned and tried my third last time and it worked. I hissed at the pain when i tried to sit up straight. The bed feel more softer. I wasn't tied again. There's a lamp beside me.

The room looked more normal,cleaned. Then i recalled what happened back. I was shot. I looked at my body,then i know i was shot at the side...thank god i survived. Tears filled my eyes when i remember leemin face.

Suddenly the door opened revealing leemin. He is wearing black pant,with a white clean shirt.
"Baby!! You wake up...thank goddness" he walked to me. I flinched when he sat infront of me. I brought knees to my chest,my hand around them.

"Why are crying? Is it hurting more?" He asked sweetly but i just cried. I feel horror. I don't know what he can do to me.

"W-Why are you doing this to us?" I cried.
He wiped the tears and i felt cold when he touched me. "What are you saying? Didn't i told you back then that you are mine,we are destined to become one?" He softened.

I shook my head in a No. I don't know anything.

"Where is my friends?" I asked sweetly like him but his smile fade away hearing about them.

"So you are crying because of them! Baby" he stood up but i held his shirt.

"No,no i am not, i am okay, i just asking sorry dont do anything to them" i cried uncontrolablly.

He again sat down"your eyes always beautiful" he looked at me,caressed my cheek. I feel disgusted by his touch.

He than laid by my side. "Lets sleep,babe" his arm around my waist.

I curled my hand upto my chest. I sobbed.

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