Chapter 3

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[Location, University]

Third person's POV

It was already lunch time so Jimin and Taehyung were walking side by side to go to the canteen. So far, they were doing good for the last 3 period. Especially Taehyung.

It's a good thing, their classmates was being nice to him.

"Minnie what are you going to eat??" Taehyung asked while they look at the various foods before them.

"I'll have pork cutlets and black bean noodles, how bout you??" The older asked, turning towards Taehyung.

"Ooh!! I want pizza and carbonnara with a lot of cheese please!!" He exclaimed happily, jumping up and down excitedly while pointing at the dish.

"Okay then bub." Jimin petted his hair, chuckling at the younger's cuteness. After they ordered, they went to find a seat. They sat next to the glass window.

They ate as they talked about what they did the last summer. (I know what you did last summer🎶)

"So taetae, how was summer??" Jimin asked as he ate his food, slurping at his black bean noodles while humming slightly by the taste.

"We went to jeju for a month!!" Taehyung replied excitedly, happy to share his vacation with his long time friend.

"Really?? That's nice!" Jimin replied as he chuckled at the enthusiastic boy who was messily eating his food.

"Channie hyung was also there and we went for a swim! We ate lots and lots of seafood!! Especially my favorite lobster!! And it was so big Jiminie!! It's even bigger than my face! Ooh! There is also a crab which is also bigger than my face!! I never felt so full my whole life after that!!" Taehyung said as he happily gestured how big the seafood was with his slender hands.

"Aww that's so nice!! Now I feel jealous, I also want to eat seafood.." Jimin pouted after saying that and the smaller gave him a sympathetic look.

"I'm so sorry Jiminie.. next time we're gonna eat a lot of seafood too!! Just you and me!!" He gave Jimin a smile which also made the other chuckle at his friend's cuteness.

"Of course. How can I deny that offer." Jimin said and the other gave a celebratory dance.


"Wait! How about you Jiminie?? What did you do last summer??" Taehyung asked while looking at the male curiously. He knew his friend was busy for his work, probably.

"Meh. Just work." He said as he shrugged. Nothing in his work was exciting anyways.

"Why are you always working!? You are RICH anyways, you don't need to work. Jiminie can supply himself forever without getting poor.." He pouted after saying that.

"Oh bub. You're too cute for the world." Jimin cooed at his friend when he saw the younger's pout.

"No! M'not cute!! I'm manly." He huffed and Jimin just laughed at him.

They finished their food since it's already time for the bell to ring.

"Done?" Jimin asked the boy who immediately nodded, wiping his face full of carbonnara sauce.

"Yes! Let's go." Taehyung stated.

"I'm gonna walk you to your next class." Jimin said, and after that, they left the canteen side by side again.

[Location, Byun residence]

Taehyung's classes ended already so he was now on the way to their house. Jimin took him home since it was quite dark for the boy to walk home alone.

"Baekie hyung are you home??" The blonde asked as he entered their House. Their house was simple, modern and not that big since only baekhyun, his boyfriend, and Taehyung are living there. Although the maids come everyday to work, they don't stay at the house.

"In the kitchen Tae!!" The older answered and the blonde hurried into the kitchen after he threw his bag carelessly on the side. (Tae is me :>)

"What are you cooking??" The smaller asked curiously as he peeked on his brother's shoulder.

"I'm cooking dinner. Your favorite." The older stated making the blonde gasped.

"Really!?? Yes!! I'm craving for chicken since breakfast!!" He exclaimed and turned to sneakily get a piece of chicken when his hand was slapped by a wooden spatula.

"Ouch! Hyung!!" He pouted as he rubbed his hands.

"You sly!! Take a bath first, you stink. After that we'll eat dinner. Chanyeol will come home late tonight so we will not wait for him." His hyung said.

"Okay fine. Taetae's gonna take a bath." He pouted.

Taehyung always talk in third person when he doesn't get what he likes. A spoiled brat.

"Don't give me that look. Go now."

'Baekie hyung is not soft anymore!!" He wailed in his mind.

"Hmmp!!" He huffed and left the kitchen.

"That brat." His hyung huffed too and continued to cook.


"Wow!! It looks so good!! Let's eat now hyung." Taehyung said happily and started shoving food inside his mouth.

"Yah! Eat slowly, no one's gonna steal your food. And also, how's school?? Did you make friends??" Baekhyun asked curiously as he took a bite of a chicken wing.

The mention of 'friend' made taehyung look at his brother and smiled as he remember what happened earlier.

"Oh! I forgot, hyungie! You know what? Jimin is in my school now!! We ate lunch together and talked about what we did last summer!! I feel bad because Jimin is working the whole vacation. But that's not the point!! He said he wanted to eat seafood with me too so we're planning to eat next time!!" Taehyung said while happily munching his food.

The mention of 'Jimin' made his brother arch his eyebrows.

'Not good. Totally not good.'

"What's wrong hyung?" Taehyung asked, worried because his brother looked troubled.

"Oh, it's nothing. So what about your classmates?? Are they treating you good??" His hyung stated quickly changing the subject.

"Yes! They are being so nice to me and said that I was very small and very cute!! Jiminie said the same and I said I'm not cute, I'm manly!! Aren't I manly hyungie??" With hopeful eyes, he asked his hyung who only gave him a smile.

"Of course you are! Taetae is the manliest man I know in the world!!" The blonde's eyes sparkled at that.

"I knew it!! They were lying about saying I'm cute and small because I'm manly!!" He said as he tried to show his 'muscle'.

Baehyun chuckled knowing that the younger had NO muscles and definitely NOT manly. Well yeah, he does have muscles but not that many. He's more on the squishy type.

"Taetae, were having a new co owner at the company. Byun tech is not doing good this past year, I'm afraid we'll go bankrupt." His brother sighed. Too tired of the bullshits at work.

"Oh. Sorry about that hyung. I know you can do it!! You're my hyung and you're the CEO of byun tech so I know you can do it!!" The younger cheered his brother up and he successfully did so.

"Thank you baby bro." Baekhyun said and gave the younger his beautiful smile.

"Let's eat now!!"

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