Chapter 10- Boxing Match

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Once the holidays were over and the rest of the student body came back, things quickly went back to normal. I only told Walter about what I got up to over Christmas break, and needless to say, he was ecstatic for me.

Even Draco wasn't as annoying as he was before he left for the break. Until of course he got bored of not annoying me.

"Violet! Did you hear! Snape is going to be the referee for the next quidditch match! I'd love to see Potter try to pull the stunt he pulled last game again." Draco says to me one afternoon in between his classes.

"If Gryffindor wins their game against Hufflepuff then they will overthrow us in the house championship," Walter says, stepping into the conversation so I don't have to. Remind me to thank him later.

"Oh, I know! We can't let that happen. Where's Marcus? I have to talk to him about his game plan." Draco rushes off.

"He's not going to take advice from a first-year!" I call after him. Walter laughs and insists that (the boys on a mission Violet let it go).

After classes, Draco and his friends are laughing in the corner of the common room when I enter, but they make the mistake of hushing up when I pass. "Okay, what's up," I say, stopping in front of the group. Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise and Pansy all look at their feet.

"Draco practised the leg locking curse on Neville Longbottom!" Pansy says suddenly. Draco gives her a look but he doesn't say anything.

"You've got to be joking. Seriously Draco, what has he ever done to you?"

Draco cowers under my gaze. "dunno." He mumbled quietly. "I just wanted to see if I could actually pull it off is all." Some of the other students in the common room look over and start listening in on our conversation.

"Before you go hexing people, make sure they actually deserve it. No one will take you seriously if you just he people for the fun of it. Go do your homework. Aunt Narcissa says you're really far behind in your classes and I have to watch you more." His friends snicker and he gets very annoyed very quickly.

Draco storms off and Pansy follows him like a lost puppy. I join Clarissa, Emma, and Walter at the desks and throw my bag onto one of the empty ones.

"Woah there, take it easy," Clarissa says, moving her cup of tea away from me in case I knock it over.

"Sorry, I'm just. Stressed is all. Does anyone want a new cousin? he's nearly twelve but he acts like a toddler. Eight knuts or highest bidder." Walter thinks that's the funniest thing he's heard because he cannot stop laughing.

"Speaking of age. My birthday is on 19 January. What are we going to do?" Clarissa says shutting her textbook and taking a sip of her tea.

"Dunno. Whatever you want to do I guess." Emma says, not really paying attention. Ever since the Gryffindor and Slytherin quidditch matches her and Adrian have fallen out of touch. Before the holidays started she, very dramatically, gave him his quidditch sweater back.

"Don't tell me you're still moping about Adrian," I say, pulling out the parchment I need to finish my astrology notes.

Emma sighs, "Well, of course, I'm still moping about Adrian! Look at him over there, getting all cozy with that second year!" we all turn around to see. But Adrian isn't anywhere near the girl Emma is talking about. I mean sure they're sitting on the same couch and sharing an inkpot but that's it.

"Emma I think that's his little sister," Clarissa says, squinting in an attempts to get a better look at the situation.

"I thought you said you were getting glasses over the break," Walter says, turning back in his chair. He watches Clarissa open her textbook again and put her face rather close to the pages.

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