Part 4, Chapter 6- Aunt Narcissa's Apology

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Apparently the Weasleys let me sleep in because when I get up out of bed there's a lot of noise coming from downstairs. I make my bed and straighten my pillows before pulling my hair up into a ponytail and heading down the crooked stairs into the kitchen.

"How did you sleep, dear?" Molly says. She comes over to me and gives me a big hug.

I nod, "Fine yeah. I'm sorry if I had nightmares and woke you up."

Molly pulls away from me and smiles, "Don't you worry about that for one second. Come now let's get you something to eat. We also have mail for you."

Molly guides me to the table. I sit down and she puts a plate full of food in front of me. She then hands me a letter. I recognize the handwriting instantly. It's from my Aunt.


I am so sorry about last night. When I found out that Lucius left you there... my heart broke into a million pieces. I'll never say it out loud but I am so thankful for the Weasleys for taking you in last night. I understand that you are probably very mad at your uncle right now so I thought it would be best for you to travel to Kings Cross with the Weasleys. Your uncle is sorry for his actions but I know that doesn't mean anything to you right now. Draco is furious with his father and honestly so am I. I have sent a ministry car with all of your things. I packed all of the things Norby got you from Diagon Alley along with everything from your dresser and your desk (including your wand), your cat as well. And I made sure to pack the dress we got you for the Yule Ball. I've also put 100 galleons in your trunk for whatever your heart desires. I sent this letter with your new owl, be sure to give it a name. I love you, I miss you, and I am so very sorry for what happened last night.

Please write to me if you need anything at all throughout the year and I will do my best to get it to you.

All my love,

Auntie Narcissa

I finish reading the letter and place it gently beside my plate. "A car came this morning full of all your things. It's all sitting in the living room. I let your cat out of his carrier and he and Hermione's cat have been playing all morning." Molly says gently. "Your owl is in the shed with Errol, Pig, Hedwig, and Hermes."

I pick up my fork and set it down again, "Thank you so much for letting me in your home. I wouldn't know where else to go."

Molly ruffles the top of my head, "You're always welcome here darling."

George comes into the kitchen from outside and kisses the top of my head. Molly hugs him close to her till he complains. When we returned to the burrow last night Molly was terrified. She wouldn't say it around me but she hugged Fred and George to her for a very long time. Apparently they got in a fight before they left and the last thing Molly said to them was how mad she was about their OWL grades.

After I eat George and I go into the living room where everyone else is sitting. Percy is talking about the article that Rita Skeeter published in the Daily Prophet. Apparently it was out last night and there was a big discussion about it all but I don't remember a thing.

"If dad hadn't said anything, old Rita would just have said it was disgraceful that no one from the ministry had commented." Bill says. He's playing chess with Ron on the coffee table. George goes over to his brother and they start whispering and writing things down on some parchment. I curl up in one of the empty arm chairs and listen to what Bill is saying. "Rita Skeeter never makes anyone look good. Remember, she interviewed all the Gringotts curse breakers once, and called me a 'long haired pillock?"

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