Part 5, Chapter 19- Avada Kedavra

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"What the fuck was that?" Emma whisper yells at me when I get back into the dorm room. Apparently in my time away Miriam made her way off of Cassius' lap and into her bed.

"I'm honestly not sure. Apparently Harry Potter had a vision or something of Arthur Weasley being attacked by something? Dumbledore thought that I ought to be there as emotional support for the Weasleys."

Emma's jaw falls open, "Is he alright? How did Harry even know?"

I shake my head, "A dream apparently? I dunno. Dumbledore sent the Weasleys back to... where we were that one day. He said that I could have gone too but I was scared that the Dark Lord would have found out."

Emma nods a few times, "How did Fred take it all?"

I take off my night robe and hang it back up on my bed, "Why do you care how Fred took it? I thought you two were over and done with."

"He wanted to get back together. That's what we were talking about on the train when you walked in on us. I still fancy him, like a lot. But it would just be too hard to start a relationship right now. I mean look at you and George, he attacked your cousin randomly, and you stunned him so bad I'm sure he's still a little dazed."

I crawl back into bed and under my covers, "He hugged me when I got into the room, then he just stood in a corner alone listening to Dumbledore yell at some portraits. Then he hugged Ginny real close and they left."

I can't see Emma in the darkness but I assume that she nods. I roll over in my bed and pull my blankets up to my nose.

I don't hear from George for the entire week which puts me on edge. It's not till I'm on the Hogwarts Express on my way home for the holidays that a message appears on my arm.


I don't have my quill on me so I can't write back to him right now. Emma and I are sitting in the Slytherin car for the ride back home, giving Lee and Walter some alone time in the compartment we usually sit in.

"You think you're mothers going to be at yours when you get there?" Emma says to me softly.

"Not a clue. I assume that we would have heard something about an Azkaban break out when we were at school if it happened so I guess her and my father are still locked in there." Emma shifts her gaze from me and I roll my eyes, "Emma if you've got something to say just come out and say it."

Emma looks at me again, "You're going to hate me for saying this."

"Just say it."

"Maybe the Dark Lord is going to give you your parents for your Christmas present. Might have drawn your name for secret Santa." Emma's trying really hard not to laugh at her own joke.

I burst into laughter which causes a few other students to look over at us, "That was the stupidest thing I've ever heard oh my god." I don't stop laughing for a good long time after that.

The whole car was pretty quiet, which is unusual according to Draco. Miriam and Cassius haven't stopped kissing for what feels like the entire ride back to Kings Cross

When we finally arrive I hug Emma goodbye and walk off the train with my trunk. To no one's surprise, I'm met with a driver sent by my aunt and uncle instead of them to pick Draco and me up from the station.

Almost as soon as I get home the Mark on my arm feels like it's just caught fire. I yelp and drop Fergus' cat carrier onto the ground which doesn't go over well with my cat. I let Fergus out of his carrier and he wanders off towards the house.

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