Part 5, Chapter 26- Emma's Personal Barbie Doll

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On the morning of Valentine's day, Emma wakes me up extra early so we can get ready for the Hogsmeade trip. "You've got to look the best you've ever looked today Violet," Emma says. She sorts through my stuff, not letting me pick out my own outfit.

"Why is today so special? George and I have been together for ages. I've fully snotted all over him during a crying session before... many times." I say laughing at her seriousness.

Emma sighs and looks up at me from the floor, "Would you just trust me on this? Christ." She goes back to sorting through my things, "Here." She tosses a tight, floor-length, long sleeve, wool turtle neck dress at me. "And... here." She throws heeled boots at me one at a time. "Get dressed. Then I'll do your hair and makeup."

"Seriously Em, makeup?" I say as I change out of my pyjamas and into the dress she's chosen for me.

"Wait! Here, wear this bra instead." She tosses me a black lace bra and I catch it in the air, "You've got panties to match?"

I gasp and Miriam and Clarissa look over smiling, "What the hell do you think is going to happen today?" I say looking at her with a shocked sort of smile on my face.

"Ah, here they are." She throws my black lace panties at me, "Now get dressed."

I scoff and stutter but I do as she asks me to do. Once I've got the dress on Emma smiles, "Your ass looks like a granny smith apple in that dress."

"God Em, what's with you this morning?" I say laughing.

Emma pushes me down onto my bed so I'm sitting down. "I can't dress my friend up? Aren't best friends supposed to be like your own life-sized doll or something?" She winks after she says it though which tells me that she's got bigger plans.

She pulls out her makeup brushes and things and she gets to work on my face. Covering my eyes with black and silver pigment that she says 'will really bring out your green eyes' and she glides a black lipstick over my lips because 'black looks really hot when you've got your mouth aro...' to which I slap her arm and she giggles to herself.

She then brushes out my hair and starts to braid my hair into two Dutch braids on either side of my head.

"Ow! Jesus Emma." I yelp as she tugs tightly on my scalp.

Emma laughs, "They've got to be perfect! Now head forward and stop moving!" She finishes one braid which goes down past my boobs and starts on the other side of my head.

"Alright, you're perfect let's get to breakfast. Just don't eat too much." She says clearly satisfied with whatever she's done to my face and hair.

"Emma you're not even dressed yet. And why can't I eat a bunch, I'm fucking starving."

Emma goes over to her trunk and changes into something warm. She looks over at me and puts her hand on her chin, "Wear that beret I gave you. And that super long black coat that you've got."

I do as she says and put the beret on my head and grab my long, black coat off of the back of the communal desk chair in our dorm.

Once Emma is satisfied with how she looks we walk out of the dorm and into the common room.

"Violet? Violet LeStrange, wearing makeup?" Draco says when he sees me.

I stick my tongue out and give him the wanker sign. He laughs and heads out with his friends.

Walter comes out of his dorm and walks through the boy's corridor and into the common room. "Why are you hot today?" He asks me.

"Thanks, Wally, that does loads for my self-esteem," I say laughing.

Walter smiles, "Not what I mean, it's just. You look better than usual today."

"Nice save Clarence," Emma says rolling her eyes.

We walk out of the common room together and into the great hall. I can see Fred, Lee, and George whispering close together at the Gryffindor table, none of them really eating anything. I shrug it off and start buttering a slice of toast.

"Don't eat too much!" Emma warns me again.

I look at her dead in the eyes and take a big bite of my toast, smacking my lips as I do it.

"God that's disgusting, who makes noises while they eat." Walter groans looking at me.

Emma and I both look at him, "You're one to talk!"

After breakfast, we follow the big group of students out into the courtyard. I pull my coat on as we are walking and wrap my house scarf around my neck.

"Here wait hold on," Emma says. She pulls me to the side of the door and looks at me for a moment. Then she pulls my braids out of my coat and places them perfectly so they lie down the front of my shoulders. "Now go."

Walter looks at her very confused, Emma sighs and pulls him down to her level. She whispers into his ear and Walter's face lights up. "Hoooly... shit!" he says happily.

"So he gets to know and I don't?" I say looking at Emma.

"Go out there and find your boyfriend Violet," Emma says. She spins me around so I'm facing the door and she slaps my ass.

Laughing I walk out of the door and into the courtyard. Almost immediately I spot George. He's standing alone, Fred and Lee are a little ways away from him but they aren't talking to him.

"Hey, Georgie," I call. He's got on clothes that are a little posher than what he usually wears, clearly trying to make some sort of effort.

"God, you look beautiful." He says all in one breath. He bows a bit and kisses my hand making me laugh.

"What's gotten into you?" I say with a smile on my face. He instantly gets a little uncomfortable and awkward. I peck his cheek which leaves a black lip stain. I lick my thumb and wipe it off.

"I can't try to woo the love of my life on Valentine's day?" He says with that Weasley smirk on his face that I love so much.

We start walking to Hogsmeade, just the two of us. Fred, Emma, Walter, and Lee are walking ahead of us quite a ways but I've noticed that they've been taking turns looking back at us.

"So mister 'I'm going to woo my girlfriend' where are you taking me?" I say looking at George. My eyes linger on his face. The curve of his forehead that blends perfectly into his eyebrows. His nose, perfectly shaped with a little bump in the bridge of it. His cupids bow, his big lips...

"Well, I've recently come to the realization that you and I have been together for a long time."

"Oh really? You've just come to that realization?"

George looks at me, "Would you let me finish my sentence? Seriously woman."

"Alright fine! What where you going to say?"

"Well, now I've forgotten." George huffs. I laugh and he goes a bright shade of pink. "I've noticed...." He continues finally, "That we've never been out on a formal date. It's always been sneaking around after curfew and walks back from the quidditch pitch."

"Those were dates?" I ask poking fun at him.

George goes an even deeper shade of red. "I well- I've never been able to afford..."

"Georgie I'm kidding! I love our dates." I lean my head on his shoulder and I can feel the tension leave his body.

"I've planned the whole day, just you and me. So just trust me for once? Please?"

I nod a bunch with a big smile on my face, "Promise."

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