Special Accouncement

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[Hi, this is a page for underage users. If you are 18 years and older, you shall skip it.]

Dear underage reader,

This is an account that contains mature content, language and scenes. The stories is in account are not written for you, hence, you are encouraged to find other stories that are teen-rated and age-appropriate for yourself. The warnings and announcements are placed to protect you, and you are advised to follow each and every one of them carefully.

If you are aware of these cautions and refuse to comply

Any form of voting, commenting or interaction by you will be monitored and recorded. You run the risk of being muted and blocked, as well as reported to Wattpad in case of improper conduct.

Below is an article I wrote which might help you understand why reading fanfic at a young age is bad for you.


1) A lot of fanfics romanticize mental health issues. Most writers portray others' mental health issues as "cute" or "cool" or "fun", meanwhile ignoring how painful those experiences are. These are not light topics and people spend their lives trying to get healed. You might be able to distinguish between story & reality when you are older (no Jimin is going to come fall in love with you because you have an anxiety disorder) but you won't really be aware of this when you are young and there for the fun of it. You don't want to have a mental illness in real life. It will really, really take a toll on you.

Examples: "Omg I got so mad and then happy today I literally think I'm bipolar."

2) The sex in fanfics does not represent reality. It is full of misconceptions, extreme scenes, heavy concepts and some painful scenarios to get through. If you read these from a young age, you might develop anxiety towards sex in general, feel insecure about yourself and in severe cases, develop depression. You will really regret it when you are older.

Examples: "If someone is uncomfortable with nsfw punish them with more until they are begging." "It's not rape if the victim learns to like it." "If a couple is not having BDSM sex they are not cool." Especially hybrid fanfics are full of rape & underage sex shit.

3) It desensitizes you towards sexual content. You won't be able to feel attracted to normal couple or even regular sex stuff because you read too much extreme or intense smut. Most people think they are asexual for a long time because they didn't feel anything in real life, and searched for weirder stuff online to obtain that pleasure.

4) It makes you addicted. At a young age when you can't control your hormones and curiosity is at peak, you will become restless when you can't read smut and it will make you lose focus from your daily activities. Scenes will come into your mind randomly and you will need to read something to be able to feel better. It is not fun.

Examples: Won't be able to sleep before reading a chapter of smut, looking at real life people as sexual objects because of the fanfics, not focusing on a conversation/in class because you are thinking about smut/sexual content, getting double sexual meanings from normal conversations

5) It's full of intense topics. Heavy angst, murder descriptions, rape, bloody content, suicide... you guys, these are very issues to recover from. Even adults take days to sometimes get over certain depictions. It's not easy for as a minor to deal with the intensity of the feelings you get when you read such horrifying content. What if you feel guilty or scared to not tell anyone? How are you going to forget what you saw? It's super dangerous. It might make you depressive or question life and god forbid... make you want to do the same. Please stay away, please.


And as the owner of this account, I want my readers to be safe. That is the only reason I restrict access, you guys. This is for your own good. Please take the warnings into considerations and stick with teen-rated content for your own good. Always check trigger warnings and don't fall into the temptation of your curiosity. You will regret it either soon or when you are older.


My dms are open for you. 

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