Hunt, Ajax, and Dash

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I don't think I have ever seen so many emotions flash through someone's face. It was like Links had five different people controlling what he was feeling. Surprise, sadness, anger, disgust, confusion, horror. And I could see it all. It is the first time I feel like someone was trying to sympathize with me. The first time someone was trying to understand what I've been through. And I really appreciate it. 

Links stands up out of his chair, slams his fist on the counter, and storms out the bar door. I scramble out of my chair, but I'm pushed back down. I look to see three men motionlessly and dutifully towering above me. It was as if they were forcing me to stay. I gulp staring up at them wide-eyed, my heart racing. 

Without another sound, I make myself comfortable in the chair, knowing that I'm going to be here awhile. I'm guessing these men are from the motorcycle club, and I wouldn't be moving anytime soon. They are probably only going to go when Links, the leader since they are protecting him, comes back and says that I'm free to go. Links seems pretty frustrated for god knows what reason right now, so it's going to be a long night. 

If only I could drink. 

I pick up the menu gently with my fingers, making no sudden movements. I don't want the three men to attack me. They could kill me if they wanted to. I stare down at the mixed letters, trying to make out what they say. 

"Why are you staring at the fucking menu?!"

I flinch abruptly, jerking my body back harshly. Fuck. That actually hurt. I'm still sore from my metal bed on the train. I glance timidly up at the men, and I can tell that their demeanor has softened slightly because of my harsh flinch. 


"I was trying to read it, sir."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't read it, so I was trying while we wait for Links."

"He let you call him Links?"

"He never said no. Links didn't seem to mind me calling him Links."

Their stances immediately relax into a more neutral, non-bodyguard position. The three of them quickly apologize for their tough behaviour and explain to me that it's part of their job if Links is in trouble. Or at least they think he is. I learn their names, and they are to be called: Hunt, Ajax, and Dash. They are also really nice people once they don't seem like they want to kill you. 

Hunt grabs my attention, making Ajax and Dash talk about something else.

"So, why can't you read?"

"My mother never taught me. My father wasn't really around, so no one..."

I can feel Ajax's and Dash's eyes now on me while they focus on my words. 

"Helped you?"

"Yeah. It's a long story."

"You never went to school?"

"My mother didn't want me leaving the house. I swear, it's a long story. A story I'm not ready to share with y'all quite yet."

Dash finally butts into the conversation. 

"We understand. We all have different stories, but no matter, we would love to help you read."

"Thank you for the offer, but I don't think I'll be staying here any longer."

"Links didn't offer you a room?"

"Not exactly, but it's alright. I'll figure it all out."

The three of them not-so-sneakily peer at one another.

"Do you want to stay here? Just for tonight. You can get a shower, change, eat if you're still hungry, and sleep. You can leave tomorrow if you really want."

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