m.stone- vegas golden knights

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Positive... The pregnancy test read and I instantly began crying not because I didn't want to be a mom but because I have no clue what Mark will say, like what if he breaks up with me or what if he walks out of the babies life, that's what I'm scared of.

"Baby! I'm home," I hear Mark say from downstairs and I quickly hide the pregnancy test in my back pocket and walk downstairs, "Uh hey baby, your him early w-why?" I chuckle nervously and he shrugs giving me a questionable look but shrugs sitting down.

"You okay?" Mark asks with concern and sits next to me putting his hand on my thigh and looks deeply into my eyes, "N-noting, I'm fine really," I say but he can tell I'm lying since we've been together since we were 16 and we were best friends before we dated, "Babygirl, please tell me," Mark says and I sigh looking away from him and hand him the pregnancy test.

I haven't heard anything from him so I hesitantly look at him and see him tearing up with a small smile, "I'm gonna be a dad," Mark quietly said and I nodded biting my lip nervously and to stop from crying, but they started streaming down my face, "I'm sorry, please don't be mad and especially don't leave me or this baby," I beg and he looks at me like I was crazy.

"(Y/N) you thought I'd leave you or this baby, we created this tiny human together and that's how it's gonna stay, I'd never leave you I love you way too much," Mark said and was holding both of my hands staring into my brown eyes, "I love you more, baby," I say and he pulls me into a hug and we sit there sobbing into each other's backs and shoulders.

"Damn, this means we can't have sex," Mark interrupted the nice moment and I looked at him with a funny look, "You ruined the beautiful moment, and this means we can't have sex until the baby is born," I say and he sighs looking at me then chuckles kissing my lips softly.

"I love you babygirl," Mark sighed and ran his fingers through my hair and wrapped his other arm around me, "I love you more baby boy," I hum and snuggle into his chest smelling his manly cologne and I close my eyes hoping to get sleep, but that doesn't happen.

"Shit," I yell and look at the time it's 1:30am, I run into the bathroom and open the toilet quickly throwing up, I then feel someone lift up my hair and I turn around seeing Mark smiling at me, "You're okay baby, just pregnancy vomit," He assures me and I chuckle at his failed attempt of being funny.

"I hate throwing up!" I yell and he just pats my back as I let all of the fluids in my body enter out through my mouth, "But you're okay," He smiles and I nod throwing my head back into the toilet to throw up, "Ok, I'm done," I sigh and he nods letting go of my hair and then he hands me my tooth brush so I can brush my teeth.

"Babygirl, I'm gonna get you a water and lets go in our bedroom to sleep," Mark says wrapping his hands around my waist and holding my stomach, "Ok," I simply reply and he winks at me through the mirror and I giggle at the silly boy that I fell in love with when we were 16.

"Let's cuddle," Mark says finally and lifts me up so we can cuddle faster, "Goodnight cutie," I say and lean into him more and he kisses the top of my hair, "Night beautiful," He smiles and I fall asleep in the love of my life's arms.

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